za fuck is a not girlfriend

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Lucky Charm: I fucking hate you

Chandler Bing: what did I do

Lucky Charm: Do you know what the definition of world is?

Lucky Charm: I'll give you a clue, it's not just America and Europe

Lucky Charm: So something cannot be a world tour

Lucky Charm: If it doesn't actually go around the world

Chandler Bing: Llol

Lucky Charm: Don't lol me fuckface

Chandler Bing: u ok there alyssa

Lucky Charm: No I am not ok

Lucky Charm: How am I supposed to get Justin Bieber concert tickets for his WORLD tour

Lucky Charm: If Justin Bieber isn't coming to Australia

Lucky Charm: WHICH FYI IS

Lucky Charm: A place

Lucky Charm: In the WORLD

Lucky Charm: Just because Sash isn't you using you for concert tickets doesn't mean im not

Chandler Bing: U want tickets?

Lucky Charm: YES

Chandler Bing: they go on pre-sale next monday

Chandler Bing: get them off ticketmaster 

Lucky Charm: So cute

Lucky Charm: So bloody cute

Lucky Charm: Do you know how fucking cute you are

Lucky Charm: Listen

Lucky Charm: If I don't get tickets

Lucky Charm: I'm going to be very mad

Lucky Charm: If I'm very mad

Lucky Charm: I might get the urge to hurt your not girlfriend by shaving off her hair in her sleep

Chandler Bing: the fuck is a not girlfriend

Lucky Charm: I don't fucking know what do you want me to call the girl who does everything a girlfriend would do but isn't your official girlfriend

Chandler Bing: i see ur point

Lucky Charm: Now I have to go bc the shower water turned off which means sasha's done

Lucky Charm: But remember what I said yes

Lucky Charm: Sure you like sasha now that shes all pretty

Lucky Charm: But will you still like her with a Mohawk?

Lucky Charm: You decide Bieber

Chandler Bing: is she naked?

Chandler Bing: send pics

Lucky Charm: Of course that's what your horny mind focuses on omfg


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