Chapter 4- Misunderstanding

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"Get out" I snapped but he stood his ground. He needed to move so I could get to the phone, knowing him he already knew the phone was there and wouldn't move.

"Calm down" He whispered about to take a step forward but I grabbed my baseball bat making him stand still. Call me paranoid but I hide weapons around the house, just in case you know!? This could happen any day. Right?

"Get out or get hurt" That was the best threat I could think of on the spot. Maybe it would scare him and work though? Probably not.

"Phoebe please calm down, don't be scared of me" He smiled, wait. How did he know my name!? "I guess you could say that we bumped into each other again?" He chuckled and took a sneaky step forwards, not sneaky enough!

"How do you know my name?" I questioned him and he swallowed hard, how could he know my name when we haven't even talked properly yet?

"That's easy to answer..." He sighed trailing off.

"Then stop stalling and answer me!" I shouted and he stepped forwards making me swing the bat, I closed my eyes as I felt a thump and when I reopened them...I saw him standing there holding it smiling. How the hell did he stop that and not be hurt?

"Nice bat" He smiled taking it away from me. "Your mums friendly by the way" He smiled. My mum? Why did he mention my mum?

"Oh Hi Honey!" She said cheerfully putting a box on the table next to a box which was already on there. "Frank here just helped me bring some of these boxes in, extremely heavy you know. I swear some days people think we have arms built like a wrestler!" She rambled and the man now known as Frank just watched me smiling. "You two okay? You just seem a little awkward" She chuckled and I shook my head.

"Oh just a misunderstanding, we're okay now...Right?" His eyes wouldn't leave mine. I just nearly hit a guy who was helping out my mum.

"Yeah. Sorry" I whispered and he shrugged. Wow, now I feel bad. Damn you paranoia!

"Oh Frank thank you for helping me today! You've been an angel!" What the hell was my mum doing!? Angel? Really? "Please let me make it up to you. Let me make you dinner! I'm an excellent cook ask Phoebe!" MUM. WHY!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? Well, at least I know how he knew my name. Oh no...This means mum talked to him about me. She talked about me! Oh whatever did she say? I daren't know.

"Oh please you don't need to do that" He smiled at her but when mum offers, she doesn't take no for an answer.

"You're staying it's final!" She smiled and began to get ingredients out. Frank turned to me shrugging.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered literally face palming myself. Honestly, my mother wouldn't care if she embarrassed me, just as long as she got her own way. I heard Frank chuckle and then felt a hand on my back. I slowly peeked to see him rubbing my back as if to say 'It's okay, we've all been there' and you know, it kind of helped? I don't know why I thought Frank was a creep, he comes across friendly actually.

"DINNER" Mum screamed making me jump and him laugh. I guess she didn't cook. Just made a wrap or something, showing of her 'cooking skills'. I guess this would be 'Fun?' I mean there's a stranger at our table...Oh no, this means questions. Poor boy. Ah well, at least I'll be less freaked out by him...Right?

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