Chapter 25- We'll meet again

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A/N: DON'T KILL ME! Heh, I suggest you listen to the song RUN by Snow Patrol. It fits the mood you know? I had teary eyes unfortunately -.- Wasn't even that sad LOL..

"You destroyed something precious to me. I'll do it to you" Gerard growled and ran to me, Frank jumped forwards pushing him over. They started rolling around on the floor, throwing punches which would probably kill a human. Frank wasn't going to back down, Gerard was too strong though.

"RUN!" Frank screamed at me and a tear fell down my cheek. What if I go and Gerard kills him? "NOW!" He screamed again and I began running, finding it hard without any air. The air was used to cry, I couldn't stop.

This didn't seem real, it had to be a nightmare. I looked up to see the sun beginning to show. This wasn't good, even if it did kill Gerard. Gerard was going to kill Frank, I could just feel it.

"PHOEBE!" I heard Frank scream again, I slowly turned around to see Gerard standing outside holding Frank to him tight. "I'M SORRY!"

"That's right Frankie, Say your fucking goodbyes" He growled and I could tell Frank was crying. My knee's felt wobbly as he punched him in the face making him fall to the floor. His nose was bleeding a lot, He was weak and the sun was coming up. "Come here babe" His fangs came out and he ran right up to me.

"What you said...'You destroyed something precious to me. I'll do it to you'...You already have. My family" I swallowed hard and looked into his eyes.

"You think I feel sorry for you? You're human. You're pathetic"

"You was human once Gerard. This thing between you and Frank needs to stop. Please. Let him go, have me if that's what you really want" My eyes were full of tears waiting to just drip down my face but I wouldn't let them. I refused to blink, I refuse to give up.

"I want you both dead" He growled biting my neck making me scream. He wanted it to hurt, he made it hurt as much as he possibly could. It was like having a chainsaw in your neck. Tears fell down my face as I looked over Gerard's shoulder to see Frank lay there watching, he couldn't move. He couldn't do anything but watch. I could just see the sun's ray's coming closer to him. He'd burn alive.

"P...Phoebe" He choked out as the sun hit his hand making him wince, my lips trembled as Gerard pulled away and dropped me on the ground. "I love you" It was so cheesy, he knew it because he was smiling. He was about to die and he smiled? He did it for me. I started crawling slowly, with all my strength. Maybe I could cover him? Protect him from the sun?

"Frank...I love you to" I chuckled weakly, I shouldn't talk. I should just save my energy to get to him. I knew I was dying, I'd try to save him though. I'd try everything I could before my death. The blood was falling on the floor from my neck, leaving a trail from where I dragged myself.

"How romantic" Gerard snorted wiping his eyes. "Thanks to you two, I have no one" He sat down and curled up crying. I didn't bother speaking or looking at him, I was getting closer and closer to Frank. The sun was beating me, it was already over his left leg and arm.

"ARGH!" Frank screamed closing his eyes and wincing, he wanted to move...He was trying so much. Now the sun was on him, he was weaker. "FUCK!" He was thrashing about, wasting his energy and it broke my heart. I sobbed more and my vision became blurred a little. Death was coming too soon. I needed more time. I crawled faster, doing anything just to get to him.

I was at his feet, the sun was burning most of his body now. His skin was black and peeling off. His eyes were full of tears as he looked down at me. I shook my head and climbed on top of him, laying my head into his neck crying weakly.

"It's okay" He whispered, trying to soothe me. I couldn't watch him die like this, so slowly and painfully. "We'll meet again" He sobbed in my ear and the wind swept some of his ashy hand away. He screamed and the sun rose over his face making him scream louder.

"I love you Frankie" I sobbed, crying because I could feel his pain, I couldn't do anything. He was dead. The screaming just stopped, the ash was blown away in the wind and I was left with his clothes, his smell faintly on the clothes. My whole body began to feel numb, my vision was too blurred and my eyes too sore. I closed my eyes slowly, letting whatever this was take me. Take me away from this hell. Frank was dead, my love was dead. Everyone and everything was dead. I wanted to be with Frank again, this time in a place we could live forever and be human, this time where nothing could go wrong and nothing could hurt us.

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