Chapter 8- Freak

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I wasn't sure what to do really, he was holding me to him too tight so I couldn't pull away, strange thing was that I kind of liked it. I looked up at him confused by his actions, he looked down and his eyes, they was such a strange colour. It was like he put weird contacts in them, so hazel yet not? It's hard to explain.

"Frank...Your eyes" I whispered gazing into them and he smiled.

"You can see who I really am now" He pecked my forehead and i continued gazing into his eyes confused.

"I don't understand" I mumbled and he smiled. "We've only just met yesterday and now...I'm so confused"

"No, you've only met me yesterday. I've watched you for some years Phoebe" Okay, that was kind of creepy. Why would he watch me for some years?

"Why" I raised an eyebrow

"Well, I can't just pick anyone. It has to be a certain someone. That was you" He smiled sweetly but I still had no idea what he was on about.

"So you've been stalking me and just because I said some stupid words so you didn't kill me then you think its all okay?" I asked frowning and he nodded a little. "Well I didn't mean what I said" I huffed and he smirked.

"It doesn't matter if you mean the words or not, you still said them and now you're mine" He pecked my forehead and I moved my head away a little.

"I'm not 'Yours' Frank, I'm no ones, I'm human I don't belong to anyone but myself" I frowned and he stroked my cheek.

"Whatever you say Phoebe" He whispered, what the hell was his problem? Why was he being like this now? I knew he was a dick but claiming that I'm his? What the hell was that all about?

"I'm going home" I frowned pushing his arms away but he gripped tighter. "Frank, let go" I said shakily, what if he didn't let go? Okay, now I was scared. He stalked me for years and now he 'has' me what would he do to me?

"Not yet hun" He said looking at the sun. "We'll go home soon but not now" He smiled slightly as if he was in his own little world. Great, I have an insane dude with me.

"We'll? No I will, not you. Well, maybe you should go back to your home" I whispered and he quickly looked down at me.

"My home is your home now, I never leave your side" To be honest, I thought he was joking but he wasn't laughing, he wasn't smiling. He had that strange look in his eyes as if to say 'Oh I'm serious' and I didn't like that, not one bit.

"You're not coming home with me Frank" I frowned more but then that just made him smile. What a sick person.

"Oh, I am" He smirked and leaned in...Kissing me!? Is he trying to earn a slap? Is he trying to drive me insane so I'll be like him? I tried pulling my head away but his arm kept it there. I punched his chest but it didn't seem to effect him. He pulled away slowly and I ran out of his arms grabbing my bag. "Phoebe babe" He smiled and I shook my head.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I shouted as loud as I could, "I don't know you Frank and you just kissed me! Keep away from me you freak" I frowned running past him and into the warehouse where it was dark. I felt like I was in a horror movie, he'd sneak up and grab me...Oh god, what if he rapes me!? I can't think like that. I Kept running through the dark, running into walls on my way.

"Want help babe?" He asked opening a door to reveal light, I was near it? I frowned at him and watched him carefully as I walked out the warehouse.

"Don't call me babe" I mumbled and walked, he walked next to me sighing. "Look, stay away from me" I sighed and he shook his head. "Fine" I mumbled and kicked him running away. It was the only thing I could think of! I looked behind me and he was standing there with a smug smile on his face. What the hell was his problem?

I ran along the streets to get to my house, I didn't see him near me which Is a relief. I saw my house and immediately felt safe. I ran in gasping for air and dropping my bag near the door. Mum walked up to me and raised an eyebrow.

"You're home early" She whispered, "What's happened Phoebe?" She asked and I walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Mum, I feel really...Really ill" I lied and she covered her mouth "Can I please rest? I don't think I can stand for much longer, I've been throwing up" I shivered and she nodded. I walked up the stairs and too my room locking the door behind me. I sighed under my breath and closed my eyes.

"What's wrong babe?" I heard that voice again, Frank...I turned to see him laying on my bed staring at me. "I'm glad you missed me cause I missed you too!" He smirked and I froze. How the hell did he get here before me? How does mum not know about him in my room? Maybe she does? Why won't this freak just leave me alone!

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