.Imagine Black.

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Chapter Created By : @OfficialVibes


"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

Water. Cold Water. Slipping through my fingers like sand in a hourglass.

I waved my hand over the surface of the water, my fingertips dancing over top of it. I could feel the water moving underneath me, the soft waves crashing against the side of the pool. I could feel it, I could hear it.

I just couldn't see it.

Yet here I lay, having the sun beat down rays of heat onto my skin. Mikasa laid, not too far away, but close enough to hear and to feel.

The smell of chlorine entering my nose, but my ears hearing Mikasa let out a yawn. The second one in the past five minutes. So I could tell she was bored.

"Bored?" I inquired, not moving my head.
I continued moving my arm in the water and laid still, our silence settling in again while we rested in the sun.

"School is tomorrow, Eren. I haven't spent enough time with you yet," Mikasa answered, even though she had ignored my initial question. My arm went in circles, following a slow and repeating motion in the water.

"You hung out with me almost everyday this week, is it because you can't walk me to class anymore?" I asked, waiting for a response from the hesitant Mikasa.

Mikasa has cared for me ever since she had transferred here only two years ago. She was assigned to me by the school board, to help me with the small things someone like me can't do independently.

Before Mikasa was here, and I was a young and clumsy Sophomore, this new transfer student named Armin was assigned to help me. He was always so scared of being a burden to me, and treated me like I wasn't some freak case, but I didn't mind him.

Armin was always kind to me, and didn't see me like I was just some kid with a disability, even though I was. When I was around him, I felt normal.

Mikasa just makes me feel like I need special care. As if I can't walk two feet without her at my heels.

The school themselves won't even let me walk home alone, and they won't let me have a class alone.

Hell, I can't even eat without Mikasa there, sitting next to me.

I will admit that I'm grateful though, for she is the only one who cares so much about me. It feels nice to be needed. If I wasn't blind, Mikasa and I would never have met.


You would think because of my disability, I would be treated with a little bit of kindness and respect, yet people look at me like I'm some freak show, on display.

How do I know? I feel them. All of them just staring at me like I don't know. I hear them, too. Whispering stories about me:

"What a pitiful sight," and "He will never get a girlfriend, or a pretty one at that," They all pity me, or they just hate me for an unknown reason.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now