.Searching For Clues.

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Chapter Created By: RakaiaNovelette


"Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind see"

Taste was another amplified sense I acquired. It somehow made the individual, overly salted, and undercooked French fries taste especially sour and sticky when dipped in the ketchup I used. I had about five before the salt overwhelmed me, and turned my head a slight degree to sigh, "I can sense you staring at me you know."

Levi gave no notion that he'd heard me, or that I'd actually embarrassed him. I only scoffed at the silence.

"Have you seriously never seen a blind person eat before?" I honestly thought that was how he'd learned braille. I'd tried to assume a lot about Levi's life in the several days I've known him. I'm mean, why else would a sighted person feel the need to ever learn the language of the blind? I didn't dare ask him yet...

His chair slid back, and I jumped, afraid I'd made him angry, but he still said nothing.

"What's with this guy! Can I do nothing right around him?"

After another long moment, I heard footsteps coming back. Something light as a feather landed on the back of my hand.

"You've got ketchup on your face."

My face heated up... probably as much as I'd hoped would happen to him just a minute ago, not that I'd ever be able to see a red face anymore. He got the satisfaction instead.


I snatched the napkin from my hand and wiped my face.

Then I heard heavy footsteps walking by us, bigger than any student I knew attended this school.

"Hello Mr. Jaeger," Mr. Smith's voice sounded from across the table, but still standing.

"Levi..." he added.

I heard a 'tch' beside me, and noticed as well, how Mr. Smith felt about him just by hearing how he said Levi's name. Which made me wonder...

"Hi, Mr. Smith. What are you doing in here?"
"Just wanted to check on you. Seeing how your new guide was going!" his cheery voice was forced.

He never checked up on me when Armin or Mikasa were here. "Oh! Um, it's fine. We're still just, err, getting to know each other."

"I see," his voice lowered to a conversational tone.

"We're fine," Levi said.

"So, he's helping you out then? Any troubles for you Eren?"

"I'm fine, like he said," I defended. "Really, there's-,"

"Because we can't get anybody else this time around. Levi is all we have at this point, and we figured it would really help if you had someone with experience." Mr. Smith continued, cutting me off in the middle of my sentence.

I wished I could tell him this wasn't that necessary. They didn't have to put so much effort into getting me all this help. I just knew that it was so he could protect his own ass. But why was he checking on us? I still couldn't figure that part out.

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