.Our Little Stress Relief.

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Chapter Created By: @OfficialVibes


"Had the price of looking been blindness, I would have looked,"


I could never tell the day from the night anymore. I would have someone read me the time and think "Is it still sunny outside?".

My Father always tried to describe the weather to me in the beginning of it all. My first month in the hospital was when he both started and stopped.

The hospital was cold today, a soft blanket wrapped loosely around my shoulders. "W...w... what does it look like today, D-Dad?" I asked, afraid to speak out and break the fragile silence.

"Oh..." Was all he said during that time. We were still on our toes about everything. My mother was still in a coma and the doctors just broke the news to my Father about her condition.

"Carla's condition is slowly decreasing the longer you let time drag on. She is suffering, Mr. Jaeger. There is a 10 percent chance- at the most- that she will survive another week. A few days is all she has. I'm sorry for your loss, Grisha," The doctor spoke, as if trying for me not to hear. I could feel the tears run down my cheeks, hitting my hands on top of the blanket.

After that day we received the news, we stayed quiet throughout the hours we were together. Mourning my mother before she could actually die.

I asked him again, "Dad? What is like outside?"

Another scratchy sigh left his throat. I could tell he was still crying. There were no more tears for me to soak up just to cry out. "Oh... It's pretty nice out. The sun is out. Really... Bright. Not a sad, lonely, forgotten cloud in the sky." His voice cracked and the sounds of loud sobs filled my ears.

"Why couldn't it have been me? It was my fault," He pleaded, talking to himself. I fell quiet, my head facing down and at my fiddling fingers.

Why couldn't I see them? I pinched my skin, wincing at the pain but still holding it there. "Why can't I see?" I repeated the same words over and over, outloud.


I kept repeating myself, sounding like crazed-maniac.

"Eren, stop!" I lifted my head, everything washing back over me. Reality washing back over me and pushing me into life, though I didn't want to be pushed into it yet.

Not just yet, I'm not ready.

I'll never be ready.


"What's it like outside today, Levi?" I asked him, feeling his hand on my arm. Not tightly, but just loosely hanging on like a broken rope on a destroyed bridge. No purpose being there.

"Not very bright. Sun is blocked out by the dark clouds. Probably going to storm later today," Levi wasn't very good at describing it to me.

Mostly because I knew he wasn't looking. Like really looking at the sky. Petra always did that.

"You can do better than that," I laughed at my own silly words, hearing him "Tsk.." Under his breath, annoyed at the imperfection in his words.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now