.Curious Worlds.

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Chapter Created By: @OfficialVibes

"If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it,"
-Criss Jamie

| Levi |

I let out a puff of air, waving my hand dramatically in the cloud originating from my cigarette that was stuck between my lips.

I hummed to my own thoughts, thinking about what was between my lips only five and a half hours ago. I turned around, leaning against the kitchen counter; the window to my right open wide so I didn't get any smoke at Eren.

Watching him sleep was the best part of the times he has been here. Eren just seemed so free, so simplistic. I was trapped and empty. Was I okay with this? Maybe I just assumed my destiny.

Maybe...Maybe...Maybe. The world full of maybe, but nothing ever is affirmative. I just hoped Eren would be in this destiny alongside me. One can dream.

I tilted my head, unsure how he was able to sleep for so long; so beautifully. I've watched him ever since he fell asleep and somehow I never want it to end. A never-ending cycle of peacefulness and bliss in his wide mind.

Full of opportunity.

Of course; I would have never told him this feeling I had. I've just decided to keep it locked away. For now. I'll save those other thoughts for a later date. The cigarette was arriving at its last hits and Eren's eyes fluttered open, a small yawn beginning to form as he sat up, his arms stretching up above his head.

I turned my head more, looking at his chest. Not as many marks as the first time. I sighed, quickly crushing the cigarette and throwing the entire ashtray into the garbage. No thank you.

Eren stood up from the couch, holding the blanket close to his chest. Damn, there goes that beautiful sight. Almost as pretty as he was asleep.

"Levi?" I hummed louder for him, walking to him and pushing a hot cup of coffee into his cold hands, seeing a smile grow on his face, taking an immediate sip.


I nodded, agreeing. "I am, I know. I've heard it all," I explained, walking him up to the bedroom so he and I could clean twice before changing. As usual the shower was productive the first time, so we decided to shower separately. I cleaned down twice more; Eren did only once. I tapped the handle on the dresser, counting.

"1..2...3...4-" I quietly whispered.

"Hmm.. Did you say something Levi?" Eren asked, and I turned to him, seeing he was still drying off from the shower.

"No... no I didn't." I explained, starting over as I counted to ten, but this time in my head so I didn't disturb his brain. I would never want to worry him. Too much on his mind right now.

Like our talk last night we shared. I still cannot wrap my petty head around the fact that the boy was still here. Changing into his clothes in my apartment, a smile still on his face simply because I was the one putting it there. Crazy to think about at times... but I'm learning how to understand I can actually have the ability to make someone- at least one person- happy.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now