.Even If.

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Chapter Created By: @OfficialVibes [On Wattpad]

This chapter is a little short but I hope you all don't mind that this the second to last chapter in this amazing book my partner and I worked on.

Thank you and please comment, vote, and enjoy!


"There is a condition worse than blindness., and that is seeing something that isn't there,"
- L Ron Hubbard


The night seemed endless; cold and still. As if time had no parallel to physics and the moon seemed to be stuck in nothingness.

The Stars were laid out before me. I could hear the crickets from behind me and I didn't even care that I was sitting on dirt. I just wanted to sit here, looking at the sharp rocks that had a wave of water crashing onto the damp rocks - rewetting them.

I could jump. End my life. I could be engulfed into this... this nothingness. This still life. My hands gripped the edge of the cliff as my legs dangled off the edge. To me, my legs felt as though they had no weight or feeling in connection to my body.

I could jump. But someone made me want to climb. Someone made me want to live. Eren had this impact on people. He had a touch that everyone he met felt was stronger than most. Eren had love inside of him. So much, he bursted at the seams, and some of that love was absorbed by people who only had hate inside of them.

"Eren," Why was I crying? I seemed so broken and fragile and I even wasn't the victim. I was the enemy and the villain who had done the breaking of those who had the fragile hearts. "Please," I couldn't help but talk to the air as if he was sitting next me and watching the empty space in front of him. To him he could see everything, but my mind was so closed off, I never believed in it.

After Eren and I had the dramatic argument that set our relationship back probably a decade further than we should have been, I had nowhere else to turn to. I just ran. I ran away from my problems, and I didn't want to look back at my own actions and their consequences.

Eren never followed. I was relieved when I never heard him yelling my name from his house. I didn't want to go back, but I didn't want Eren to be abandoned in some place he didn't know the way back from. I was concerned, and I can be one to admit that. I came into this school year not knowing anyone, only to be pushed into Eren's life- undeservingly. I was exposed to so many beautiful things.

Eren being one.


The night seemed to pass. Slowly, but morning came and the sun was rising before I was able to notice. Eren must have gotten a good night's rest; and that thought eased the pain of worrying if he was alright.

There had to be something I could do to make sure he was alright. Because I could tell from the moment I started to walk him to school that things had obviously taken a shift in the wrong direction. Eren didn't offer to stay with me after school for the piano. He didn't speak any other words but "Thank you," "Goodbye," and "Hello, Levi,".

When he said my name, I knew I had fucked it all up once more. It stung, when he said it. Eren made it sound so sour and pathetic, like he didn't really want to see me from the beginning. "Eren," I stopped him once our shoulders brushed together.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now