.One Step Closer.

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Created By: RakaiaNovelette

Yes yes this is the final chapter of In Cloudy Waters. Both Novel and I would like thank you for joining us two in this emotional and dramatic roller-coaster for your enjoyment on this story. So please do me a favor and follow Novel (RakaiaNovelette ) and appreciate how hard she works on each chapter 👏👏👏.

Once more; thank you and please comment, vote and... enjoy❤️!


"Blessings and curses work the same way. If you think about them hard enough, they will turn into something real..."
-Yato (Noragami)

Walking at the set pace I'd always made for myself, I knew I should have changed it up just this once. I wasn't really ready for the hike, much less destination, even with my father and Mikasa on either of my sides. I held onto Kenny's leash anyway. He was still in training, but I thought that with them here to help us out as well, Kenny wouldn't do anything to deter me.

We were just out for a walk- with a specific destination in mind that I hadn't been to in a very long time, I thought that my new guide dog should at least know the route.
We stopped a few minutes later near the top of one of the hills I knew surrounded the place.

Even without my sight, I could still sense the gloominess about being around so many graves. This was where my mother was buried too...

"Do you want us to give you a moment?" My dad murmurs. I can hear a sense of anxiousness in his voice that only ever appears when the conversation turns to mom, and it's obvious that he was probably going to head there anyway.

"It's fine," Mikasa mentions anyway, gripping tighter to my elbow while my father's presence grows faint.

"Be careful, you two," he responds, now further away as he goes back down the hill.
Kenny shifts with pent up energy, but he's good at not tugging too much on the leash for my sake. I ignore him for the most part, and Mikasa finally let's go.

"Hey, Armin," I begin, looking down at my feet. "I know it's been awhile. This was Mika's idea actually... Sorry I haven't visited."

Her hand reappears, only to reassure me with a squeeze on my shoulder.

"Levi would have liked to come. He's . . . busy. But I gotta say," I chuckled light-heartedly, "you were right!"
"Hmm?" Mikasa mumbles.

I don't turn towards her as I explain. "He encouraged me to go for it. You know? Levi. He must have seen something there. I don't know. Armin's just smart like that."

"Yeah," she agrees. "I remember."

"You know," I go on, not necessarily talking to her, "He was the first person I opened up to after mom's death. He didn't really push me or anything. He was just so easy to talk to. I guess, he knew me. I never gave him any real details about her, but he still managed to act like her, which scared me, I'll admit." She snorts quietly in amusement. "But it also comforted me. I think. . . I think he was the one who gave me confidence."

"We're all here for you, Eren," Mikasa interjects. "I care about you too, no matter who you're with."
I nodded. "I know. Thank you. You really did come through for me, and I'm glad that you haven't put too much stress on Levi- as much as you wanted to."

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now