.Lost Cause.

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Chapter Created By: RakaiaNovelette


"I hope that one day you will have the experience of doing something you do not understand for somebody else."


After second period, Ms. Ral called me up quietly. "How come you only have a few problems finished, Eren?"

I kept my face straight, but a touch of fear told her that I hadn't exactly thought up an answer quite yet. I was often usually able to complete my work, even if it was always sloppy or containing too many technical mistakes. "Umm, yeah. We didn't have time." The words basically fell out of my mouth.

Since Levi had been avoiding me, we were together the bare minimum amount of time. Friends helped me get to classes, even though we didn't talk as much as we normally would. Levi would accompany me to most of my classes, and to and from school, but he wouldn't ever stick around. I began hanging out with the others in class.

I really was having trouble understanding the math, but I stopped asking him for help. "Could I come after school and finish it?" I finally asked her.

"Yeah, sure." She agreed. I didn't say anymore as I headed on down to science on the first floor below this one, thankful that the halls were at least fairly empty.

Mikasa might be done with practice by the time I got out, so I'd just let Levi know he didn't have to walk me today. My eyes threatened to prick when I thought of that. It was bad enough that we were so awkward before, but at least we got to be around each other. This was worse since he didn't even want to be around me. What did I do wrong?

All I'd really asked him was to treat me like I wasn't an object. I knew he had issues with his mother in the past, but I hadn't actually expected him to treat me the same. I would have much rather him baby me than this. At least he would be here.

"I don't appreciate you ignoring me the way you did, shit stain," a voice called me back to awareness from somewhere behind me.

"Eh?" I was still a bit flustered. "Reiner?" I called unamused. I didn't have the energy to pretend like I hadn't heard him. Great, this was just what I needed.

"Who else talks to you so openly?" he retorted, coming up beside me and walking beside me.
"Of course, I knew it was you, I'd never expect anything less from one of my best friends," I played off innocence about as well as a convict.

"So, you never answered me the other day... What's up with you and that transfer student? I know you're a fag, but are you seriously that desperate?"

"You know what Reiner? I really do appreciate you branching out to all the other things you could torment me about besides my blindness and all, but if you're going to drag Levi into this, can you not just assume things. He doesn't even like me..."

I regretted the words as they left my mouth, my face getting hot and I could practically feel the smugness radiating off of him. "So, he rejected you?" Yep, there was a smug ass grin in his voice.

I sighed.

"No, we're just friends. I woke up late the other day and didn't brush my hair. We were in a hurry. That's why we looked close... I guess."
It was a terrible idea trying to explain logic and social cues to Reiner, I knew that already. He was a lost cause, and I was wasting my time talking to him. It was going right in one ear and out the other.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now