.Darkest Nights.

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Chapter Created By: @OfficialVibes


"Why do we close our eyes when cry, kiss, or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt by the heart"


Death can do so much to someone's head. It can turn a perfectly sane person to do the craziest shit. Only a few weeks had passed since Armin went to a better place.

Eren hasn't spoken more than 10 words since that flat line on the machine, letting out a single sound; almost hypnotizing him.

Don't believe me?

I counted.

He hasn't eaten, showered, changed, barely breathed. It was quite disgusting, really. "Eren, I'm leaving.." I announced, leaning against my room door and adjusting my jacket, not wanting to smell the stench exiting it.

My eyes turned to the lump hiding under the covers. There wasn't a floor, just a sea of empty tears and messy tissues. Everytime I touched him he would flinch, so I didn't get near him.

Eren didn't move, the lump barely making a breath or a sound. I shut my eyes, turning away from the door and leaving to school. I have had perfect attendance since kindergarten, so I wasn't planning on missing another day. I knew nothing would happen to Eren.

That's the one thought I kept racing in my head to get me through the day.

I sighed, flicking a piece of lettuce with the plastic fork. "Gross," I hissed and putting another cigarette into my mouth, Petra growling at me as Gunter watched me light it while the others were just had pissy looks I didn't understand.

Were they sick of my company or something?

"Don't look at me like that," I commenting, moving my gaze to her and watching her stand from her seat in the middle of the courtyard, everyone outside now looking at her angered face. It almost made me freeze.

Petra snatched the cigarette, using her index finger and thumb to crush the hot ashes. She didn't even flinch.

She was shaking, "You fucking idiot! You just abandoned Eren to his own devices alone! This is the time Eren really needs you. Where are you huh? Here? You disgust me.I know you said you were giving him space, but you're a real idiot, you know? I looked up to you not too long ago, but what happened to that Levi because I sure as shit don't fucking know! Look at yourself; really search too. For when you do," She leaned forward against the table and towards me,

"You'll just see a monster who threw away his feelings after his mom died. And you'll see someone with friends that want to support him, but he is too much of a big bad lone wolf to admit when he needs help. That or he is too blind to see when someone needs him for help."

Petra sat back down, the courtyard going completely silent and everyone avoiding eye contact in our direction.

Afraid it might burn them probably.

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