.How Did It Go?.

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Chapter Created By: RakaiaNovelette


I drug myself out of bed with the help of my verbal alarm clock designating the appropriate time of five a.m.

I used to have a problem with getting up so early, but after doing the same routine for a year, it was probably number thirty-eight on the list of things that still annoyed me anymore.

At five forty-five, I was out of the shower. Yes, brushing teeth, getting dressed, and everything else took me approximately forty-five minutes to do.

Six o'clock: finish breakfast and rinse out dishes. Every cupboard was segregated into times of the day. Cereals were checked by smell, but no one else really ever used anything, and therefore gave my memory a break and allowed me to separate the cheerios and honey bunches of oats from the fruit loops and cinnamon toast crunch. Bland tastes were in the corner furthest from my reach...

I probably spent more time rinsing out my bowl that I ever had before. The feeling of how I could bend the water with the simple round object was sensational, and I had long since added it to the list of things I'd learned to love.

Who cared if some of it splashed back onto me because I couldn't see the water trails when they flicked into the air? They felt so unusual hitting my dry skin beneath my shirt.

By six thirty I was making sure everything was locked and that my sleek-furred black cat wit golden eyes, Titan, was properly fed and happy before grabbing my charged-up phone and bag from my desk.

I really had no patience for changing everything around to a blind-friendly home environment after the accident. It seemed pretty pointless and gloomy anyway, so I just kept my routine basically the same. The only problem was that if I planned on changing absolutely anything about this routine, I'd be summarily screwed. It would also take even more time for me to get ready. I was out the door by seven o'clock; checking the exact time with my vocal phone recording as I closed the front door behind me. 

Carefully stepping down the stairs, I kicked something on the last one. Luckily for this misplaced time-waster, I was taking my steps slowly, so that when my foot came in contact with it, I froze still on the second to last step.
Silence as I assessed picking it up and moving it so I wouldn't forget about it later. It spoke.

"Did you forget about me?"

I squeaked. And then my face felt hot,

"You wanna tell me why you intentionally tried to scare the hell out of me instead of just telling me you were actually coming?!"

"I had to," I heard Levi sigh as I heard his shoes walking towards me.

I completed the last two steps so I wouldn't forget about them and turned to him on the sidewalk, where I assumed Levi was facing me as well so I could speak to him.

"Last I heard from you, you'd stormed out of the office without even speaking to me. How would I know you were gonna actually show up?"

"Tch," I heard him mutter from a foot away. I quickly stepped back, realizing how close we were. But I also realized something else; the direction I'd gazed while speaking to Levi was a little higher up than his voice actually was. The moment I corrected my angle and looked a couple inches lower, he noticed this and I heard a following growl, followed by his footsteps walking away from me.

In Cloudy Waters (Ereri/Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now