Having Fun With Lots in The Sims 3!

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Ever been bored with your Sim's house, or with all of the houses in their town, for that matter?  Well, I'm here to help you and give you a solution that you may or may not have thought of before!  

Before we jump in, you must be familiar with Edit Town mode.  Now, if you've been playing The Sims 3 for more than a week or two, then I'm sure you are.  But, for those new players out there (welcome to our community, by the way), you way want to Google Edit Town mode (because my explanation skills lack).  Now, I can give you a short explanation, and I will: Edit Town mode enables you to move families that you are not playing out of their homes and into new homes, place new lots, change lot types, etc.

Now, for the interesting, reason for the visit part:

Let's say you have a Sim.  You're having fun, you have plenty of Simoleons, your Sim's house is plenty big enough, but... it's boring as all get out!  What to do?  

Go into Edit Town mode by clicking the button on the bottom left of the screen (like you would to save and quit, for example) and selecting Edit Town.  You will then be taken to the map of your Sim's town, but with icons of every single lot in it!  Now, for the fancy part:  click on a community lot.  Any lot.  It could be the beach (my personal favorite), or the gym, or the library, whichever lot you really like (or whichever one fits the kind of storyline you're making).  Then you click on it and hover over the options that pop up.  One of them should say something like, "Edit Lot Type."  Select that and change it to residential.  Now, click the button at the top of the screen (Return To Game) and click save.  Now, the lot is all ready for your Sim to move in and make it hers/his!  


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