A Strange Phone Call

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The Air Canada Centre was empty the only people in the venue was Skillet.The paramedics were there examining Jen's leg and one of them said"Miss let's try and stand up"then Jen stood up but then fell back down to the ground and said"No sir I can't walk"then the paramedic said"Alright let's load you into the ambulance and take you to the hospital" and Chris said"I'm going with her"then Chris followed.(2 hours later)Chris waited in waiting room and the others came in and Korey said"is Jen alright"then Chris said"yeah they just had to stitch up the wound"and Korey said"We'll be at the hotel"and Chris said"I'll stay here with Jen overnight because the doctors have to keep her here overnight"and the others walked off and went back to the hotel.The Doctor came out and Chris went to him and said"Doc is she ok"then the Doctor said"She's ok but her leg is damaged severely"and Chris said"thanks doc"as he went to Jen's room and said"Jen I'm glad you didn't lose your leg"and Jen said"Me too it's late let's go to sleep"then they went to sleep.Chris's Phone went off and Chris answered it "Hello who's this"then the voice said"Watch out you don't want nothing to happen to your wife"as Chris looked back and said"Stay away from us"and it said"It would be ashamed of something happened to your friends"then Chris heard Ella scream and he said"You monster leave them alone"and the voice said"Well then I'll be watching you".

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