Wrestlemania Call!!!

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Everything is back to normal The band is fine and they are preparing for a show.As Chris Was packing he got a call from a random number and he said"Hello who's this"and the voice said"Is this Chris from skillet"and Chris said"Yes it is who's this"and the voice said"This is Vince McMahon"and Chris said"Hello Mr.McMahon is there anything you need us to do?"and Vince said"Yes I have no bands to perform at Wrestlemaina and I was wondering if you could perform for the wwe universe on Sunday"and Chris said"Yes Sir the band will be excited about this thanks Mr.McMahon"and Vince said"Ok Chris I'll be sending a jet to pick you guys up tomorrow and also You and the band will have front row seats for the show and probably I can put you guys in a segment with Carmella and James Ellsworth and the Miz and Maryse"and Chris said"Thanks I'll tell the band about this"then he hung up.Jen walked in and said"So Chris looks we're going to Wrestlemania"and Chris said"Yup We get to do a segment for the show and perform"then Ella walked in and said"Chris I can't wait to go"and Damian,King and Abby said"Let's get to packing then"and Chris said"WrestleMania Here we come"as they started to pack for WrestleMania.

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