Jen Giving Birth!!

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9 months Later after Incident with John.Chris and the Band continue to tour all over the world and Jen is 9 months pregnant and she is expected to go into Labor on March 4 2015 which is Chris's Birthday and they have a show on his Birthday.As They were Sound-checking Jen Called Chris over and said"Chris I feel weird"and Chris said"Well that's because your pregnant Jen if you still want to do the show"and Jen said"I'll Still do the show and oh Chris Happy Birthday my Love"and Chris hugged Jen and said"Thanks"then they continued to do Sound-Check.(2 Hours later)They Were Backstage waiting to go out and they heard the leader singer of sick puppies said"Thank you El Paso Get ready for Skillet"as Jen went out followed by Ella then Chris came out and the crowd roared when he came out and Chris said"What's Up El Paso My hometown it's great to be back I was here at my first concert ten years ago"as the Crowd roared."Now let me shut up and play some music"as Jen started to play her drums(3 minutes into Feel invincible)Jen started to feel weird and felt her water break and one of the Crowd members pointed towards Jen and called Chris and Chris turned around and ran towards Jen and said"What's wrong Jen"and Jen said"My Water Broke"and Chris said"Come on Jen let's go to the hospital"as he picked Jen and said"Sorry El Paso we'll Make it up to you we'll come back in one month"as the Crowd said"No Problem Chris".Chris stopped a cab and said to the Cab Driver"Sir Can you take us to the nearest my wife is about go into labor"and the driver said"Okay Sir Let's go"as Chris and Jen got in and the driver drove to the hospital (20 minutes later)Chris and Jen got out of the cab and Chris picked up Jen bridal style and went to the front desk and told the lady "Nurse My Wife is going into labor"as the nurse came out with a stretcher and Chris put Jen down then followed Jen and the nurses and doctors into the room.(40 Minutes later)"Come on Jen push push harder"and Jen said"I can't Chris"and Chris said"I know you can do this"and Jen pushed harder and harder until they heard a two baby crying and Jen started crying tears of joy and hugged Chris and the doctor said"Miss Ledger want to hold your Baby Girl and boy"as Jen took the Baby girl and held her in her arms and Chris took the baby boy and they both heard Ella Over the speaker say"Yes Did you hear that Tricky Falls Chris and Jen are officially parents"as the crowd said in unison "Congratulations Chris And Jen"and Jen said"Thanks Tricky Falls"as Chris was chanting yes and Jen said"You know what Tricky Falls we have a show to finish me and Chris and I don't have a name for our little girl and boy"and Chris said"Why don't we name the Baby Girl Jennifer and The boy Christian and "as Chris and Jen Walked back to the venue and entered the through the stage and the Crowd roared and Chris said"Guys Welcome Christian and Jennifer to the Skillet Family".After they finished the concert Chris and Jen went to sleep with their newborn Baby's

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