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Note: Written by the lovely genius @LaceyRay and myself.This is completely self-indulgent and nope,no regrets.


Rome looked up just as a stack of folders hit the surface of the table in front of his face with a thud.

"I need these taken to the club room. Like, ASAP." Pick said with urgency lacing his tone.

Rome drowsily lifted his head off the cushion of his arm and found the older male looking at him expectantly.

"I hadn't planned on going to the clubroom today, P'." Rome said with a slight frown.

"Porshe and Emma need these for the budget meeting in an hour, and I have class in ten minutes. That leaves you," Pick's tone left no room for arguing and he cast a look at Rome that clearly stated, why are you still here?

I have class too, Rome thought. Mr.Bossy Pants.

Rome knew it was useless arguing with the temperamental senior, he rarely won anyway. Pick was just lucky his next class was in the direction of the clubrooms.

"Fine, since Emma needs them, I'll do it," Rome stood up, reluctantly strapping his messenger bag across his tiny frame. He picked up the stack of folders and pushed past a gaping Pick.

"Oi, you wound me Rome! Not doing it for this senior!" Pick teased, dropping a hand on Rome's shoulder.

Rome just looked up at him from under his long lashes and smirked, though with a hint of shyness.

"P, have you thought about what I asked you the other day?"

"The other day...," Pick scrunched his face up in thought and scratched his head, "Oh, you mean the horror marathon going on at the Cineplex? I'm going to have to pass on that one. You know I don't like all that blood, gore, and screaming. Ask Emma to go with you."

Rome sighed in disappointment. I wanted you to go with me, P'.

Pick caught the look of disappointment on Rome's face but he chose to ignore it. He was ignoring a lot of things lately when it came to the cute junior.

Rome held up the folders, "I'll get going first then, P."

Rome snapped out of his Rome-induced daydreaming, "Shit, yeah go! Why are you still here? " Pick pushed Rome in the direction of the clubroom.

Rome shook his head at the older male and laughed softly to himself. As he walked towards the clubroom, he became lost in his thoughts. He still didn't know how to classify his relationship with Pick. Sure, they had shared one amazing kiss but that had been months ago and that frustrating male acted like nothing ever happened!

The one time Rome tried bringing it up, he was threatened with bodily harm if he even thought about telling anybody about it or just even thought about it all. He hadn't, told anybody that is. Not even Emma, which was hard with her being his best friend and all. But he had thought about it, repeatedly. Like it was his favorite scene from a movie, playing on repeat.

Being lost in thought, Rome found himself crashing into something solid. With a small cry of surprise he stumbled backwards, his cute backside breaking his fall, the folders in his hand slipping out of his grip flying in all directions. After a quick assessment, he found that only his pride took a hit. Rome slowly glanced over at what was the cause of his embarrassment.

What the hell? Pick?! It couldn't be...he had just left the older male not just five minutes ago in the opposite direction, and he had told him he couldn't go to the clubroom. Wait. What was he wearing?

SOTUS x Puppy Honey: Two Is Totally Better Than One [Bright x Rome x Pick]Where stories live. Discover now