Are You Kidding Me?

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Note: It's Wednesdaaaaaaaaay,so let's see what Bright and Pick are up to now!Hehe LaceyRay and I are having too much fun with this!


"Fuck, that certainly stings."

Shit, did that fucker have a mean right hook or what? Bright spat out some blood, tentatively touching the pad of his thumb to his split upper lip. Well, at least the prick hadn't aimed for his nose.

"I know you're pissed I'm more handsome and all, but no need to resort to violence, man. Ever considered plastic surgery?

Deep down, Bright had to admit that the resemblance was uncanny. A quick glance to both of them would make anyone confused. Pick was definitely itching for a fight, and Bright was more than happy to serve that jerk's ass on a silver platter. When you hang out with a guy like Prem, you learn a trick or two.

Bright may not be as handsy in a fight like Pick, but he knew which buttons to push with his words. The male's sensitive point was Rome himself, and what better way to wind Pick up by declaring his own interest in the junior?

Alright, he was adding fuel to the fire, but fuck it. Someone had to teach him that it was a pussy move to skulk about your feelings about someone.

"P'Pick-" Rome couldn't restrain Pick even if he wanted to. "Really, this isn't necessary-."

The male had quite the temper when provoked, and Rome had seen it first hand.

"Stay out of this, Rome. I'll back off once I teach this ass a lesson. Who does he think he is anyway?!"

Kissing Rome, on the other hand, had definitely not been on Bright's agenda. It was a reckless move on Bright's part, or maybe it was because he saw Pick approaching them like a pissed-off rabid dog.

"P'-" Bright could taste the cranberry chapstick on Rome's smooth lips.

Wow, talk about kissing the softest, plushest lips he's had in a long, long time. It was like kissing a pillow...okay, not like Bright's kissed one before, but you get the idea.

"Yum." Bright smacked his lips, and Rome's entire face flamed pink. "Cranberry. Interesting choice."

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Pick halting in his tracks at the sight.  Rome was like a deer caught in headlights, his stunned gaze going back and forth between the two seniors. The crowd that had gathered burst out into excited murmurs, most of the girls squealing about how lucky Rome was.

Girl, I'd let Pick punch me in the face if it meant Bright kissing me like that.

Pick, his temper flaring to dangerous levels, immediately stormed off and Bright couldn't resist calling out after him, "That's what you're gonna do? Run away like a cat with your tail between your legs?"

Score 1 for Bright. 0 for Pick.

The guy named Porshe cleared his throat, "I think you mean 'like a dog with your tail between your legs. You alright, man? That was a pretty hard hit you took."

"I've been hit worse."

Emma muttered under her breath, "Why, I'm not surprised."

"I'll go check on him." Rome stood up, not wanting to let this whole mess drag anymore between Pick and he.

Bright grabbed his hand, "Aren't you supposed to kiss my boo boo better? I don't think one is enough to heal it. What if I die from blood loss?!"

The junior lightly smacked him on the head with a file, "Don't be so dramatic. And you stole one from me, P'!" Softly, he added in, "P'Pick's my friend too. You did elbow him in the gut."

SOTUS x Puppy Honey: Two Is Totally Better Than One [Bright x Rome x Pick]Where stories live. Discover now