Of Trouble and Punishment

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Note: Let's face it, having Bright and Pick together is a huge recipe for disaster 😂 Both LaceyRay and I are #teampick and #teambright, so we're proud to be part of the disaster #brightpickftw


''It's not so bad afterall'' lasted all of thee seconds before the shit hit the fan.

Or as the saying goes.

Let's admit it. Pick and Bright in an enclosed area? It was a disaster waiting to happen with both of them as the catalyst.

As the white-masked psychopath came running across the screen, bloodied knife in hand as he chased that dumbass girl up the stairs, Pick's body stiffened in anticipating of the bloodbath he knew was coming.

Why? Why would you run up the stairs and not OUT of the house? Where was the logic in this?!


Even as a non-horror movie fan, Pick knew that doing stupid shit like that was a huge no no. When the girl running let out her, ''Shit! I'm-stupid-as-fuck-why-did-I-run-up-the-stairs-I'm-going-to-die-scream'', Pick squeezed Rome's hand hard enough to make the younger male whimper.

Bright's ears perked up like a dog's would upon hearing his owner in distress. He raised his head from what he would describe as heaven (a.k.a Rome's shoulder) and automatically slapped the hand that was hurting their kitten.

And because the two of them were actually five year old kids stuck in the body of young adults, Pick slapped Bright back. Firstly, it was a reflex. Secondly, he wouldn't give up an opportunity to hit the dip shit. It wasn't as if he had crushed their junior's hand on purpose. Hell, Pick wouldn't even intentionally think of hurting Rome.

And before anyone brings up about how he had been a huge jerk to Rome, please...don't remind him of that. He's been punished enough by the presence of Bright himself, thank you very much.

Instead of relenting, Bright simply had to push it by leaning in and examining the younger male's hand, cooing over it like the (dramatic) idiot he was. What ticked Pick off the most was the look on Rome's face when the older male lifted is hand to his lips, murmuring about how he was going to kiss the boo boo given to him by the bad, bad man.


He should be the one doing that! Okay, he wasn't claiming that he was the bad, bad man...but then again, Pick was the one who had accidentally hurt him.

''Can't you keep your damn lips to yourself for five minutes?'' Pick whispered harshly as he pushed Bright back against his seat, using a napkin to wipe Rome's hand. He flicked his gaze to Rome and gruffly apologized, ''Sorry. I didn't mean to squeeze that hard.''

Rome's gaze travelled from the frowning veterinary student to the narrowed gaze of the engineering one, and he jerked his hand back when he realized that Pick was determined to rub it raw.

''It's fine, P'Pick. Let's just focus on the movie.'' Rome pleaded, hoping to appease the both of them so that he could get their movie date back on track and calm the storm he could see brewing on their handsome faces.

Really. He really just wanted this first date to work out. If the three of them couldn't even handle a first date, how was it going to lead to subsequent dates?!

''I would if someone would stop being such a pansy.'' Rome wondered if he could get away with smacking Bright on the back of his head. ''You realize that you're being a wuss, right? This is some douche in a cheap ass mask running around with a plastic knife and stabbing at fake blood bags that looks wicked cool when it sprays out everywhere. Man the fuck up! Are you sure that you're not a girl?!'' Bright lunged over Rome's seat to try and pat down a certain part of Pick's anatomy to find out for himself.

SOTUS x Puppy Honey: Two Is Totally Better Than One [Bright x Rome x Pick]Where stories live. Discover now