All Chained Up

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Note: Bright and Rome learns what it's like to try and get along with each other (without one trying to kill the other). I have to thank @LaceyRay for being so patient with me.


''You've got to be fucking kidding me.'' Bright held the chain up with a disdainful expression, Knot wrestling the chain out of his grip so that they could cuff Pick and he by the ankles. ''I'm not some dog that needs to be chained! I'm a free spirit! This 2017! I have rights!!! I demand to speak to a lawyer!''

Pick sneered at him, giving Knot a dirty look which the engineering student skilfully ignored, ''You could have fooled me. You're always trailing after Rome like a lovesick puppy.''

''That's because I am.''

''You just said that you're not a dog?!''

''Whatever.'' Bright dismissed the other male's words and shifted his attention to his friends instead. ''Traitors, the whole lot of you! Are you even listening to me?!'' He demanded when they started talking among themselves.

Pick himself had a bone to Pick with his best friend. He glared accusingly at Porshe, who pointedly avoided him by asking Emma if she wanted to follow him bring the dog out for a walk. Rome watched with undisguised satisfaction when Knot cuffed both Bright and Pick by the ankles, thanking the seniors profusely for their help.

Really, he hadn't wanted to resort to this, but it was the only solution Emma and he could think of.

Both seniors mirrored each other with identical expressions of petulance on their faces, arms crossed indignantly against their chests. One could cut the tension in the room with a knife. It was like having two five year olds stuck in timeout.

''Rome.'' Pick finally broke the silence. ''Is this really necessary? Look, if you really want me to get along with him, make him put a paper bag on his face. I'm cool as long as I don't have to see his face. But twelve hours of being chained to him? You might as well kill me and feed my body to the dogs.''

This was Bright's one and only opportunity to drive the other male crazy within such close proximity. He hooked one around around Pick's shoulders and squeezed it chummily, ''We're going to have so much fun together.''

Fine. If this was what Rome wanted, then Bright would go along with it. He didn't hate Pick. He simply liked getting on the male's nerves. It was so easy to rile him up. The chain jingled noisily when Pick tried to scoot away from the engineering student, failing miserably when he didn't manage to put much distance between them.

''Kill me. Just kill me now.'' Pick groaned in defeat as he tipped his head back against the headrest of the couch, letting out a long-suffering sigh. ''Anything but this.''

Pick could be so dramatic sometimes. As much as Rome would like to witness their much-needed suffering, he had a Public Speaking elective lecture to attend. He picked up his bag and kissed both of them on the cheek, reigning back when Bright reached for him. Honestly, he was like an overgrown puppy reaching out for a treat.

''Woof woof.'' Pick muttered under his breath. ''Not a dog, my ass.''

Rome did feel a little bad. In a way, he had somehow dragged Pick into this whole complicated mess. Sort of forced him even. Unlike Bright who was more of a free spirit, Pick was a tad more reserved and he was just starting to come to terms about being emotionally and sexually attracted to both genders.

''I know I'm being selfish.'' Rome said, clutching at the strap of his bag tightly. ''And that it's not fair for the both of you. I know I can't have my cake and eat it at the same time.'' Bright scrunched his face up in confusion at the sentence, and Pick sighed loudly at his stupidity. ''We can bring this to an end. Right here. I shouldn't have forced the both of you into this.''

Rome fidgeted guiltily on the spot. What had he been thinking? Was he even being fair to them? Had he been so caught up with his affection for the both of them that it had clouded his common sense?

''I've gone this far.'' Pick declared loudly. ''No way in hell am I backing out. Even if I have to be stuck with this asshole for the next twelve hours.''

''I have a name. It's Bright.''

''How do you spell it?'' Pick pretended to ponder over it. ''A-s-s-h-o-l-e?''

Bright simply flashed the junior a confident smile, ''Don't worry your pretty little head over it, kitten. We're going to make this work. You, me, and the dipshit. I mean, Prick. Wait, Pick.'' With a forced smile, he slapped Pick on the thigh. ''Right? I said...'' He lowered his tone to a slightly more menacing one. ''Right?''

Feeling more at ease, Rome left for class soon after, leaving the chained up seniors together. As soon as Bright's group of friends left for class, both Pick and Bright prodded and studied the chain. There were a few seconds of chain yanking but both of them gave up after that. They'd just have to go through the next twelve hours of torture. Anything to get them back into Rome's good books. How could such an innocent kid have so much power over two older men?!

Pick stood up suddenly, ''Let's try standing up.''

''Say that before you stand up. Geez.'' Bright got up to his feet as well so that they could test the distance of the chain. ''How the hell did he even think up of this?''

''It was a punishment Porshe thought up for Rome and I when we lost a bet.''

''Wait. Hold up. You're saying that you've been chained to Rome?!''

''Yep.'' Pick popped the 'p' as smugly as he could. ''Got right up in his personal space. We even used the urinals side by side.''

Bright simply sneered in a condescending manner, ''Hopefully he wasn't too disappointed when he saw your junk. But it's okay, he has that'll make up for it. My junior Bright isn't so junior.''

''Fuck. Can I punch your face at least once? Please? See, I even said please.''

Even if they didn't want to, they did have to move at some point of time. After a whole lot of bickering, pushing, shoving and swearing loud enough for the other juniors to avoid the clubroom, Pick and Bright finally settled on a rhythm that would allow them to move easily. It was so fucking ridiculous and judging by everyone's giggles and laughter, they thought so too.

''What the hell are you looking at?!'' Pick barked at a passerby, glaring hotly at them as he trudged along with Bright.

Bright yelled as well, ''Take a picture, asshole! It'll last longer!'' He raised is middle at the person.

If they thought an irate Pick was scary, they had a whole thing coming with Bright. The juniors went out of their way to avoid the grumpy seniors trudging down the corridor.

''I need to pee.''

''What?! Now?!''

Bright threw his hands up in the air, ''Yes, now. My bladder's about to burst. Come on.'' He headed in the direction of the toilet without any warning, nearly causing Pick to trip over his own feet.

''Can't I wait outside?''

''Are you an idiot?! How the hell am I going to piss with the urinal all the way there? I can't pee like a fucking hose!'' Bright sniped, already working on the zipper of his pants. ''Man, you're such a prude.''

Bright shoved his pants and boxers down, letting out a sigh of relief as he started relieving himself. Pick wanted to die. Death would be merciful at this moment. He pointedly looked in the other direction and tapped his foot impatiently against the floor.

''Why the hell are you taking so long to piss?!''

''What? I drank a whole bottle of water earlier on. It's important to hydrate yourself.'' A thoughtful hum. ''Hey, do you realize that sometime your piss is a really dark yellow and-''



Note: Not too sure how they're gonna survive without one killing the other...but i'm pretty sure that the both of them are determined to end up as Rome's they'll make it work one way or another.

SOTUS x Puppy Honey: Two Is Totally Better Than One [Bright x Rome x Pick]Where stories live. Discover now