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Note: One troublemaker is hard enough to handle, but two?! But @LaceyRay and I like our men that way (I guess), and so does Rome!


After tucking, zipping up, washing his hands and checking himself out in the mirror (and even winking cheesily at his own reflection), the dipshit was finally ready to leave the bathroom. 

For fuck's sake, how full of himself could one get?

As if their whole ordeal wasn't horrible enough, one of Bright's friend (the one with the spectacles and the cunning look in his eyes despite his overall appearance) was waiting outside the bathroom, inspecting his nails with a bored expression.

''What the fuck are you doing skulking around outside the bathroom, you perv? Are you planning to make a career out of it just in case you don't get your degree?'' 

Geez, Bright clearly didn't have a volume button.

''I was ready to come investigate when I heard someone hollering about dicks being out, but when I heard it was yours, I threw up in my mouth a little.'' Toota made obnoxious gagging sounds.

Pick snickered, and that earned him a slap to the arm, which in turn made him hip check Bright and before they could really get into it, a shrill whistling sound broke through their childish behaviour.

Looking up, they found Toota with a whistle in his mouth, clutching his phone in his hand.

''You might want to stop, or I'm putting you two in time out. I'm your assigned babysitter right now, I have a free period and I'm hungry. So I'm really not in the best of moods. Do you really want this shit to get back to Rome?''

''Our kitten wasn't shitting us when he said that one of you fat asses would be shadowing us!'' Bright squawked in disbelief.

His friends had turned his backs on him! Forsaken their friendship for a little cutie they had just gotten to know!

''I like that kid. He seems to know what a cheat you are.'' 

''Quit your bitching and start walking towards the food.'' Pick jerked his leg forward, causing Bright to mote whether he wanted to or not.

''I really don't fucking get it. Out of all my friends, I'm the one who came out to my parents when I was seven. But do I have a boyfriend? Noooooo. Hell no. But you!'' Toota glared accusingly at his friend. ''Not only have you snagged yourself one...but fucking two! And Arthit has Kongpob. Even Prem met someone! I'm not even going to be surprised at this point if Knott comes introducing a cute boy to us.'' He clearly wasn't done with his rant yet. ''Who the hell in their right mind would want to date you?''

''Finally. Someone with sense.'' Pick agreed.

''Toota, you bastard, go the fuck away.''

As they approached the open cafeteria area, a bright flash blinded them momentarily, making Bright and Pick stumble to a halt. A petite girl was standing before them, holding what seemed like an expensive camera.

''Whoops,sorry about that!'' She uttered shyly. ''For what it's worth, I really hope P'Rome picks the both of you!'' And she was gone as fast as he had appeared.


''What the hell just happened?'' Pick asked the question that Bright himself wanted the answer to.

''She was probably taking  a photo for that campus gossip website.'' Toota answered.

''Can you start talking in words that I can actually understand?'' Bright snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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SOTUS x Puppy Honey: Two Is Totally Better Than One [Bright x Rome x Pick]Where stories live. Discover now