Standing up

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You literally had nothing to do today.
Its Sunday and you should be hanging out with your friends or your boyfriend.

But you honestly didn't want to see Zoe, Louise, or Tyler cuz They would go on about how cute you and PJ are.
And you didn't want to see Phil because all you wanted to do with him was a million of questions about why Dan all of a sudden hates the sight of you now.

And Chris just hates you.
And as for Caspar and Joe, you didn't even really know them enough yet to be comfortable hanging out with just them.

I haven't hung out with Calvin in a while. You thought. I wonder where he's at.

You walked out of the girls dorm room and into the common room to look for Calvin.

You saw him sitting on the couch in front of the unlit fireplace.
He was starring off at nothing.
The closer you got to him, the better you could see his dead look.

You sat next to him but he didn't make any movement, he didn't even blink.
"Calvin?" You said as you waved your hand in front of his face.

He snapped out of his daze and turned to you.
"Hu? What? Oh hey (y/n)."
"Cal, are you okay?" You asked out of concern.
"Oh ya, of course. I'm fine...." He replied.
You nodded your head but had come suspicion he wasn't telling the truth.

"So, I have nothing to do today? Want to maybe hang out?" You asked.
"I don't know. Why don't you ask one of your other friends? You seem to have plenty." He said bluntly.

You started at him in awe.
"What do you mean? I do have other friends you know but how is that an issue?" You argue.
"First of all, they shouldn't even be your friends. They are from other houses. They are all probably halfbloods or even mudbloods, i know those Sugg kids you hang out with are. And I wouldn't mind you having other friends if you would remember me! You haven't actually had a full conversation with me in like a month!" He complained.

All you could do was stare with your mouth wide open.
You didn't know how to respond.

But he still continued, "you know I thought we were good friends. I didn't think you would be shallow enough to forget about a friend. And I didn't think you would be low enough to hang out with mudbloods either!" He spat.

"Greg was right. I shouldn't be hanging out with you." He concluded.
"Greg Said that about me?" You chocked out.

You looked away from him as tears formed in your eyes.
You wanted to a at something but couldn't.

"She's not shallow at all! In fact he is one of the nicest people I have ever met!" Said a voice you recognized.
You turned and saw none other then Dan standing up for you.

"She can have other friends if she wants. And she definitely doesn't need one like you. You don't deserve someone as special as her in your life." He concluded.

Calvin just sat there with a look of shock as he stared up at Dan. You were literally just as shocked as he was.

"Come on (y/n). You don't need to be around people who don't appreciate you." He said as he grabbed your hand and led you out of the Slytherin common room.

As the two of you walked the empty halls it was quiet.
You were still trying to gather your thoughts in what had just happened.
Dan, he stood up for me?! You thought.
But I thought he hated me...

You remembered he was walking right next to you.
You turned your head and looked at him as he stared at the ground.

"Dan, can you please talk to me? Or at least look at me? Your avoiding me and I know it." You finally said.
He was quiet for a few seconds.
He sighed in frustration and finally looked at you.
"(Y/n) I'm just going to tell you how I feel right here, right now. And Im going to be very straight forward with it. I know I'm going to regret saying all of this, but I had to say it at some point." He stated.

You furrowed your eyebrows when he stopped the two of you in the middle of the hallway.
He took a deep breath and looked deep into your eyes with his beautiful brown ones.

"(Y/n) I know you have a boyfriend, he is one of my best friends. And I would be such a jerk if I told him any of this. And I know that he wouldn't put up a fight about any of it, he would just kind of be depressed and never forgive me.
But I LIKE YOU!! I like you a lot!! Like, LIKE like you. And I already regret saying this a lot because I know now everything is going to be super awkward between us and I can't take any of this back-" He rambled on and on but you stopped listening after he said he liked you.

You froze in place.
You don't know if life had gotten ten times better or ten times worse, considering you couldn't really be with Dan because you are with PJ.

Dan stopped talking and just stood there staring at you waiting for an answer.
But you said nothing.
He looked back at the ground.
When you didn't respond he just walked away.

You blinked a few times and snapped out if your cult.
Wait? Where did he go? You thought as you looked around seeing that he was gone.
Oh no. I screwed up! I said nothing and he left!
He actually likes me!!!
That was my chance to tell him how I feel!
And I screwed it up!!

You decided to try and find Dan and tell him you like him back and worry about everything else.

But he could be anywhere by now, this wasn't going to be easy.

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