Chapter four

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"I can't believe he changed you from sidekick to hero." Zach says as we walk into the lunch room. "Well, it happens." I said as I pass the lunch trays. We were both silent as we moved through the lunch line. I grabbed a frozen yogurt while he grabbed a loaded burger. "You don't eat meat?" He asked gesturing to my yogurt. I looked down and grinned. "No I do, But it just depends on how I'm feeling." I reply to him.

Out of the corner of my eye I see him nod. I get to the front and pay for my lunch before meeting Layla at the table Will was sitting at. More people sat around that I recognized from the bus. "Hey Will. Who are these guys?" I asked with a smile as I sit across from him. He looked a bit stuff and shaken. "He's a bit spooked by him having to present his powers to the class after lunch." Layla says poking Wills arm.

"I'll skip the rest of class then and it dosent answer my question." I say as I open my yogurt. She rolls her eyes before pointing to a girl with black and purple hair. "That's Magenta, you already know Zach, this is Ethan, but he also goes by Popsicle, " she paused and motioned to the same boy in the orange jacket sitting next to her. He also wore some thick ass rimmed glasses. "It's a nickname that I have people call me." He says to me. I nod to him and began eating my food.

"Hey the guy behind me still starring at me?" Will asked me. I leaned over and looked behind him. There sat a guy with shoulder length brown hair with a red strip in it. He wore a brown leather jacket, black leather gloves, and he was reading a comic. He looked from Will to me. I met his chocolate brown eyes and instantly blushed. He squinted his eyes a bit and I looked back to Will. "Yes." I answer.

"Dude that's Warren Peace." Zach whispered to the group. I looked to Zach with wide eyes before leaning in to whisper to Will. "Will...didn't your dad put Warrens dad in jail?" I asked. Will nodded and his face turned red.

Oh great, Wills death sentance wasn't far from here now.

- - -

I didn't feel like watching Will fail at his presentation of his powers. It would be awkward for all of us. I walked the empty halls gripping my bag right to me.

To be honest, I kind of hate that the school is in the air. It would be a mess of me, or someone else fell from the edge. "I hate hights, I hate the fact the schools in the air, I hate the thought of-" my thoughts were interrupted by me bumping into someone. I fall to the ground along with my journal falling from my bag. It slid a little ways before being stopped by a shoe. A leather gloves reached down and picked up my journal.

Please dont let it be Warren.

I looked up to see Warren standing over me. My breath caught in my throat and my cheeks burned. "I- I'm sorry." I whisper out. He made the smallest smirk. "Weak." He said with his smooth deep voice. I arise to my feet and take a step back from him. He starred at me with his dark brown eyes. I seem to melt into them, but I was so scared I was stiff.

He handed me my journal and I took it with shaky hands. "You do you know you're gonna get in trouble for being out of class." He says in a growl before stalking away. I watched him before shaking my head. "So will You!" I call to him. He ignored me and rounds the corner. I hold my journal close to me. "Warren Peace just spoke to me." I whisper to myself. I stand there thinking got  a moment. "Oh God he talked to me." I say once more before I jog off to go do d Layla.

- - -

"He just..talked to You?" Layla asked as we got off of the bus. "Yeah, I mean it wasn't the sweetest tone or anything, but he also didn't try to really scare me. Or anything i can think of. " I answer with all honesty.  She nodded her head while looking to the concrete. Will already jogged to his house so it was just me and her. Ever since he  winked at her before taking off, she hasn't stopped blushing.

"I know you're in love with him Layla. " I say as I look up at the trees. She snapped her head up to look at me. "Wha- I don't love him!" She exclaims. I raise my eyebrows to her and she gives off a weak smile. "Is it that obvious?" She asked. I nodded my head and laughed at her.

She grinned as we turned on my walk way up to my house.

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