Chapter five

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"It's still not fair. I was looking foward forward to having classes with you." Layla whines as I dig through my locker. I looked from my mess of a locker and glare at her. "If you would have showed him your powers you would be in my classes you know." I say as I slam my locker closed. She rolled her eyes and fully faced me. "I don't use my powers-" "unless you really need to. I know, so I don't want to hear you complain." I cut her off with a stern voice. However, Layla and still smiled and giggled at each other.

A girl let out a small yelp. We both looked behind Layla to see Warren walking down the hall. I gripped the strap on my bag tighter as he walked near us. Warren looked around and caught me starring at him. He squinted his eyes at me and I quickly turned away as he passed us.

"He gives me the creeps." Layla whispered to me. I raised my eyebrows at her before turning and going to class. As I walked down the crowded hallway, I saw a girl bump into Warren. She scoffed at him, but I could tell she quickly regretted it when she saw who it was. I stopped to watch what he was gonna do. No surprise really that Warren ganged up on her. "Watch where you are going." He spat at her.

The girl shrunk away from him. I have had enough of the sight and quickly walked past him. Man he really is a jerk. I would have thought other wise, but I guess I was wrong.

- - -

Through class, I couldn't get Warren off of my mind. The way he treated that girl was so uncaring. And when I bumped into him before, he seemed a little bit more chill. Of course I didn't scoff at him like the other girl did, but still why care?

The bell rang and the teacher dismissed us for lunch. I slowly packed my stuff still thinking over the situation. Why would he treat me different. "I could ask him." I whisper to myself in the empty hallway. I starred at the floor as I walked to the lunch room.

"Will!" Yelled a female voice. My head snapped up and I listened more carefully. 'Fight, fight, fight, fight' was being chanted. "Damn." I whisper as I take off running into the cafeteria. Warren was on top of a table throwing fire on each side blocking a quick exit. I moved around in the crowd before I reached Layla and the others.

"Leave him alone jerk!" Zach yelled to him. Warren looked over at Zach; his arms growing with fire. Adrenaline rushed through me as I burst through the crowd of people, "Warren don't!" I yell to him. He looked over at me surprised. I was surprised myself, I never just blurted out like that. The fire began to go down as he squinted his eyes at me. My eyes flickered down as I saw Will put his palms on the table above him. "Leave. My. Friends. Alone!" He yelled as he lifted the table up.

I gasped at Wills sudden superstrength. Will bended his legs getting ready to throw the table in the air. "Will No!" I called out, but he didn't hear me over the yells. Will through the table sending Warren to crash into the wall above the lunch line. I yelped and covered my mouth at the impact Warren just faced. No pun intended. He fell to the ground to only get back up again; his hands now covered with more flames.

I had enough. I dropped my stuff and ran inbetween them. "Both of you stop it!" I yelled. They looked at me surprised. "This isn't your Fight!" Warren yelled to me. I faced him holding my hands put to both will and Warren. Frost covered my palms so I  was ready. Never know when you need to cool them down if you know what I mean.  "My friend, my Fight!" I spat to him. "Hestia get out of here!" Will hollered. I looked to him in shock. "No! I don't want you two fighting!" I yelled.

"Get out of here." Warren growled to me. I looked back to him and fully faced him. "I wont move. I'm not scared of you." I say to him strongly. Even though my hands were shaking widely. I'm not weak like you said.

Warren looked at me shocked. He squinted at me before lowering his hands letting the flame go out.

I watched him carefully before I felt a hand push me aside

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I watched him carefully before I felt a hand push me aside. "Good now I have a clear shot." Will said angerly. "Will I said enough!" I say as I freeze his foot in place, causing him to fall over. "Enough!" A women yelled.

I looked over to see Principal Powers starring at us with cold eyes with her arms crossed. "H- Heeey Miss." I say with a shaky voice.


Will, Warren and I walked down the hall leaded by Mrs. Powers. Will stood next to Ms. Powers as he opened a door to a white room. "Enter." She ordered me and Warren. I quickly entered while Warren took his time right after me. "I'm sorry to do this  Miss Winters you did good stopping the Fight, but you did take part in it." She says to me with a serious look. "Warren you did a smart thing stopping when she told You," she paused nodding to Warren "although Mr. Stronghold we will talk in my office as you tried to press on with it." She finishes making Will follow her.

The door closed and it was silent. I starred down at my desk not daring to look at Warren. I heard him shift in his desk next to me a few times, and it was making me uncomfortable. "Why did you stop the Fight?" He asked. I slowly looked over at him. He was starring down at his desk picking at the corner. "I.." I trailed off.  He looked over at me waiting for an answer. "It was getting out of hand. I mean you hit that wall and the floor pretty hard." I answered him honestly.

He picked at the desk more aggressively. "If he didn't throw me you wouldn't have stopped it?" He asked silently. I grinned while I looked back down at my desk. "I still would have. I don't like fighting." I answer. I feel him look back over at me. "What's your name?" He asked me. He stopped picking at his desk once he asked the question.

"Hestia. Hestia Winters." I say holding out my hand. He looked at my hand before lightly taking it. "Warren...Warren peace."

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