Chapter seven

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Today was my first day in Hero's Class. I was a bit nervous since I didn't know anyone. I'm stressing so much I started to pick at the bus seat I sat in. "Pssst. Hestia." Someone whispered from behind me. I turned around to see Will grin at me. "Hey I'm sorry about yesterday . I don't know why I acted that way." He apologized with full heart, I could just see it. "It's okay Will, just don't let it happen again." I tell him. He salutes to me before sitting back in his seat next to Layla.

I turned and faced the front to see Zach turn around and grin at me. "It was cool what you did in the cafeteria." He said with a full smile. I smiled at him while nodding my head. "Thanks Zach, but it was nothing." I say as I grip my bag more. He gives me that 'Really?' look. I chuckle at him before feeling the bus jerk. "Another day at Sky High! Good luck kids!" Ron, our bus driver, yelled to us. We all stood up and headed off of the bus.

- - -

I stood in front of the gym doors. I was terrified to enter. Who knew what hero class was like! It could be dangerous, or maybe it could be the easiest thing in the world. There was really no telling.

I took in a few shaky breaths before entering the gym. It was full of people. Lash and Speed sat with Penny's clones, Will sat next to Gwen, and everyone else I didn't recognize. I headed over to sit by Will, but Gwen saw me and shook her head and mouthed "Get lost." I stopped in my tracks and headed to an empty spot on the bleachers.

I set my bag down and pulled out my journal. When I was bored, I wrote and drew funny comics. It was fun and it made me calm down when I was alone.

"You're in my seat." A male voice came from above me. I look up to see Warren starring down at me. "Oh...I'm sorry I'll move." I say closing my journal. "No," Warren paused as I snapped my head up to him "You can stay." He sat down a few inches away from me. I grinned as a reopened my journal and continued drawing. "Winters, don't get to caught up in your book! We are about to start!" Coach Boomer yelled to me. I sighed and slipped my journal back in my bag.

- - - the citizen isn't for me. This this thing was way to dangerous for me. I had a strong grip on the edge of my seat. My breath hitched in my throat; how could they allow this kind of thing? "You scared?" Warren asked. I jumped in my seat before looking over at him. He started at me with a straight face. "Terrified." I answered back at him.

I starred down at my feet. I was nervous, scared, and my heart was beating a mile a minute. "You do know we are up next right?" He asked. Oooh I could just hear the taunting in his voice. "Y- Yes I do matter of fact." I say as I gritted my teeth. The plastic armor we had on made me sweat a little. "Just chill ice cube they won't let anyone get severely hurt." Warren says as he leans back. He was really starting to get on my nerves. Really? Ice cube? Geez that was almost worse then being called in my last school!

Not really, but you get the point. It made me shrivel up and hide my face.

"Listen hothead will you just please stop you're making me even more nervous right now." I say strongly. Out of the corner of my eye I see Warren starring at me. The buzzer went off signaling the match was over. Lash and Speed won so the citizen wasn't saved.

"Peace, Winters you're up!" Coach yelled. Warren got up and I followed behind him. "I'll deal with Lash and Speed, you save the citizen." Warren ordered as we got out on the floor. I rolled my eyes at him, "So much for team work." I whisper to myself. Warren shifted his body to me. "You wanna repeat that?" He asked in a low voice. I took two steps away from him. He sent shivers down my spin, and I couldn't tell if I liked it or not.

Warren looked at me a little more before he turned back to the citizen waiting for the buzzer. I huffed and looked over to Lash and Speed. They were huddled together; making a plan. Lash kept looking to Warren while Speed had his eye on me. I took a few breaths before walking back up to Warren and getting close to his ear. "Lash is going to attack you head on and Speed will come after me." I whispered. I wasn't sure how I knew, but they were going to do it for sure. Aka, they were way too obvious -_-.

Warren glanced at me, then to the boys, and then back to me. "You sure?" He asked. I nodded. I knew I was right. He nodded while turning back to face them. "Alright! Hero's and Villians at your mark, get set, save the citizen!" Coach Boomer yelled before the buzzer was hit.

Warren took off to the left and I went to the right. I was running to get a clear view of the citizen, but before I knew it i was kocked to the ground. I fell on my back having the wind knocked out of me. I breathed a few times to have the air fill my lungs again. I carefully stood back up, but to only be knocked down. Again...and again...and again. I got up on one knee feeling the inside of my lip bleeding.

I looked over to see Warren looking at me with a confused look. "Save the citizen! " he shouted to me. Has he not seen me being knocked down this whole time?! This time I saw speed getting ready to run at me from across the gym and boy did I glare cold knives into him. Slowly I raised one hand letting frost cover it.

When he took off towards me, I slamed my hand on the floor freezing it. Speed slipped, lost control, and crashed into Lash who was trying to stop the flames from spreading on his arms. Gee I wonder what Warren did. I motioned my hand into a circle and the ice was gone. "Warren throw me!" I yelled to Warren as I got up and raced to him. He looked at me confused before finally realizing what I ment. When I got close enough I jumped at him.

He caught me in his arms before throwing me to the citizen. The dummy was still a good ways away from the death pit. I hung onto the rope that held the "citizen" and held onto the dummy as best as I could above a circle of spinning blades. The kind that would rip you to shreds in no time. Out of the corner of my eye I see Speed and Lash get up. I extend my hand and hit them with a ice blast sending them backwards. The dummy jerked downwards causing my grip to loosen a bit. I looked down seeing my feet nearly dangling over the spinning blades. I let out a small Yelp before tightening my grip. "Hestia!" Warren yelled to me. I looked over at him, and an idea popped into my head.

"Warren burn the rope!" I yell out. He nodded to me before he let his hand carch fire and he formed a fire ball. He threw it hitting the rope burning it in half. Quickly I extended my hand forming an ice ramp to slide down.

As we fell, out of habit I kept my left hand stuck out to break my fall. However, I wasn't expecting to hear a loud crack and pain shoot up my wrist as the citizen dummy and I hit them ramp, and slid down. The buzzer went off at the same time nearly masking the crack and my pained Yelp. "Time! The citizen is saved!" Coach yelled in amazment. I sat up slowly holding my left wrist to see the people cheering and clapping for us. I sucked in deep breaths as I tried to fake a smile, before bowing my head to hide my tears.

"Yo, it wasn't that bad, come on get up." Warren came around talking a bit proudly as he reached down for my left arm. I quickly jerked away and used my legs to stand me up. "I'm good. I'm u-" I suddenly felt as if I was pushed by a gust of wind. I went forward sending my injured wrist straight into Warrens chest.

.................I-.........Yes his chest was muscular but that's not the point.

It hurt. Badly. I left out a hiss of pain as Warren grabbed my arms and easily moved me away from him. "What the Hell is wrong with you?" He asked in a disgusted like tone. Tears still brimmed my eyes and I hated looking like a sad child right now. "It hurts." I mumble out as he starred down at my bent wrist. No words were spoken as he turned on his heal with my arm in his now very lightened grip, and walked me all the way to the nurses office. On the way there I could have sworn I heard his say "I'll deal with them later." But I could be mistaken...

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