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( note: book is currently being rewritten. this old thing isn't getting deleted so don't worry!! when the new rewritten version is published i'll announce it. thank you for your patience )

[M/n] glanced outside the window only to be unfazed by the sight. Many Four Horsemen of John were wandering around Japan, the buildings that were once tall and symbolic were now laying on the ground, broken vehicles were scattered around along with street signs and what used to be is nothing but faded memories. [M/n] sighs deeply, he would've liked it if the virus hadn't spread. He always wanted to know how far humans can evolve. How much they could change the world with their thoughts and inventions. To him, it was nothing but a wonder of mysteries. He broke his train of thoughts after hearing a voice.

"[M/n]-sama, we have made it to Sanguinem, and it appears that the queen, Krul Tepes, is waiting for you." A vampire with a white uniform said standing by with an expressionless face.
Hearing this, [M/n] rises from his seat. "I guess she is. Well, you can turn back now." [M/n] said while pushing the helicopter door open.
"W-wait [M/n]-sama, why-" the vampire stuttered sheepishly but didn't get to finish his sentence when [M/n] interrupted.
"It would be rude to keep Krul Tepes waiting, wouldn't it?" Then he jumped off without saying anything else.

[M/n] was what you could say fearless or brave. Nobody had a perfect way to describe him besides those two words; he was calm, self-mannered, and most of all a powerful vampire when it comes to fighting others. He gracefully landed on the ground in front of the vampires that were waiting for him. A familiar gray-haired noble along with a stoic pink-haired queen waited for him patiently.

Ferid clapped his hands as [M/n] landed, "Such a beautiful landing you made, [M/n]-chan!"
Krul glanced at Ferid and turned back her attention to [M/n], "It is nice to have you back here in Japan, [M/n]."
The said male slightly smiled and then nodded, "I guess it's pretty nice to be back. Is my mansion still clean?"
Krul smiled and said, "Of course. The maids clean it every day."
[M/n] then said, "Well, let us get going then."
And soon enough, they walk away into their domain.


"[M/n]-chan, did you know that Krul has turned a dying boy to a vampire a few years back?" Ferid asked, striking a conversation.
"She did? That's quite unusual for her, but it is none of my business, so I don't care." [M/n] answered with a slightly surprised tone.
"Does it not interest you at all? Maybe if we go see him, you'll be interested!" Ferid cheerfully said while dragging grabbing [M/n]'s hand.
Though he didn't mind for he had nothing to do anyways, [M/n] couldn't help but feel slightly curious. They walked for a while until they found a handsome male with pale features, silky blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and fangs. It appears that this is the person he was talking about, [M/n] thought.

"Hello there Mika-kun!" Ferid waved at him with his other hand that was not holding [M/n]'s hand.
The blonde male named Mika ignored him and asked, "Who might this be?" Ferid looked towards [M/n] and let go of his hand. He raises both his hand and points them at [M/n], "This is my best friend named [L/n] [M/n]. He just got back and said he wanted to meet you!"
"I never said that to you, you were the one who dragged me here, Ferid." [M/n] stated with an expressionless face.
"Haha, you shouldn't be shy [M/n]," Ferid said while putting his right hand on his shoulders. Mika was quite surprised that [M/n] have the patience not to punch Ferid right on his face right now. [M/n] sighed and put his right hand in front of Mika, "Nice meeting you, my name is [L/n] [M/n]." Greets the (h/c) softly.
Mika thought if he should shake [M/n]'s hand, but when he saw the small little smile in [M/n]'s face, he didn't hesitate on shaking it. "Hyakuya Mikaela."


So, this story was originally written by me in Quotev, and I also decided to make it here! Hope you enjoyed the prolog of this new Owari no Seraph x Male!Reader story. The reader will be bisexual which means he can have an interest in both genders. Well, that's all! Hope you enjoyed

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