Chapter Six

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The stench of blood lingered in the air while several human bodies lay on the battlefield. Ferid laughed at the scenery in front of him. There he was, [M/n], his sword still in hand, all covered in blood, eliminating the humans that tried to strike him and Ferid.

The [h/c]nette glances towards Ferid, "Is this enough?"

Ferid shook his head, "Of course not. Krul said to kill as many humans as you can, remember?" The male childishly pouted in return, "Nope. Not at all."
"Anyways at least kill twenty more humans. If you don't, Krul wouldn't believe me when I said you killed as many as you can. I'll get in trouble you know!" Ferid pouted and sighed

[M/n] deadpanned and groaned, "Fine then, but I'm gonna see Crowley first, okay? Be right back Ferid~!"

Before Ferid could say anything, [M/n] was already out of sight. Ferid sighed and walked towards Mika to talk to him, only to be ignored.


[M/n] looked around him, glancing at every corner to see any movement. He currently does not know where Crowley is supposed to be, probably because of his bad sense of direction. Hmm, where would Crowley be? There? Or maybe there? Suddenly, he heard the sound of a car engine coming close. He jumped from building to building, trying to get closer to the sound. When he made it close enough, he looked towards the people inside the car. There appears to be a total of five people inside. Two males sitting at the front, one male and two females sitting at the back. Maybe I should follow them.

[M/n] almost fell from the roof of the building when a large sound came from the battlefield. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the source. At there, he saw smoke coming from the battlefield Ferid was in. Quite far from there, he saw what seems to be a male walking to where the car was heading. He smiled and waved towards the vampire upon recognizing the person.
The male was Crowley Eusford, the 13th progenitor. He is a tall and muscular vampire with broad shoulders. He has maroon bangs and thick eyebrows, while the rest of his hair is dark brown. His long hair was kept in a braid that comes over his shoulder on the left side of his neck. Like all vampires, he has red eyes, fangs, and pointed ears.
He seemed not to have noticed [M/n] and looked straight at the car approaching. The people inside the car seems to have left the vehicle before intentionally ramming their car into Crowley. The vampire easily stopped the car with one hand, not leaving a single scratch on his body. [M/n] decides if he should go down or not, since he was too lazy. Though, he decided to do it and immediately jumped down and appeared behind the other vampire.
"[M/n]-kun, happy to see you again!" Crowley greeted while putting the now broken car down on the ground.

The five humans seemed to be more nervous now seeing one more vampire. Since he was not wearing a noble outfit, they appeared to think he was just a regular vampire soldier. The boy with brown colored hair and clear green eyes attacked the two with arrows coming out of his bow. Crowley pulled out and activated his sword, quickly blocking the attacks. He then slashes at the boy, but it appears his attack was deflected by the two human females. One with blonde hair and one with gray ashen hair.

The one with ashen hair quickly warns her team about how dangerous Crowley was. Before she was done talking, Crowley stepped behind her and tried to attack her. Suddenly, the male with jet black hair cuts off Crowley's arm.

In response, Crowley smiled, "Whoa! Wow. Not bad for a bunch of humans. Who are you?"

The ravenette scowled and swung his sword towards the vampire, only to be blocked by [M/n], sword in his [Dominant Hand]. His other hand was holding Crowley's decapitated hand.
He then strengthens his grip on his sword when the ravenette pulled back and started attacking him repeatedly, accompanied by his teammate with pale pink hair. He blocked every attack quickly and finally parry one of the ravenette's attacks, enough to send his sword flying and landing on the ground.
Just then, two female vampires jumped down from a building and landed behind Crowley. The two were his aides, Horn Skuld and Chess Belle. Both are 17th progenitor. Their eyes showed a glint of happiness when they saw the [h/c] male.

"[M/n]-sama, it's so wonderful to see you again!" Horn said while showing her smile to the said person.

"Same here!"
[M/n] nodded, and turned back his attention to the five humans.

"Oh! By the way, Crowley-sama, [M/n]-sama, Ferid-sama requested your presence," Chess said. "What? Really? But, I had just started having fun," Crowley stated.

The [h/c] male averts his gaze from the humans to Crowley, "It's okay, you can have fun later, Crowley. Now, let's go, everyone."
Crowley sighed and smiled, "Okay."

[M/n] then sheathed his sword and looked at the humans one last time before jumping from building to building with the other nobles. 

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