Chapter Eight

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Chapter Song- A Love Like War- All time Low


I grabbed my guitar from the basement, and started making my way back up the stairs. I was at Michael's house because I forgot my guitar from earlier, when we had band practice. I had a key so I had no problem coming in. Even though my band mates are idiots sometimes, they have my back in case if something happens, like getting kicked out of my house.

I was happy that my mom and I are on good terms again, even if I'm a horrible son, it's great to know I have her. Yet I have been home so fucking much in the last month, I needed to get out, so after this I am planning on going out somewhere, I didn't really care, but just out. I might end up calling Austin, we have been hanging out, no matter how annoying he can be, he's cool to hangout with, and it's good to not hangout with someone who isn't in this band.

Austin I learned, had grew up in the same area as me, but went to another school in the town. It's weird because I have never see him or even heard of him before. I have yet to go to his house, which is also weird because he had been to mine a few times. Something about him just seems off.

Either way a friend is a friend I guess. I enter the living room, about to leave when I hear someone come inside, must be Michael. Yet I thought Michael was out with friends or something.

Of fucking course the person was Andy, she didn't see me right when she walked in. She called for Michael but he obviously didn't answer.

"He's not here." I said

She jumps and I get a little chuckle out of it, "Goddamn Luke! Why the fuck are you here?"

"I had to get my guitar, but I could ask you the same thing, considering Michael isn't even here." I return.

She looks confused, "He's not here?" She questions.

"No he went out, were you expecting him?"

She sighs, "Kind of, well.. nevermind. I'm just going to go."

"Wait," I say and she turns back around, what the fuck am I doing, "What do you mean kind of?"

I can tell she doesn't really want to talk about it, but she is probably going to anyways. I don't know why I suddenly care about her so much, but I just felt like I needed to ask. "It's a long story."

"I have time." Again not sure why I care.

"Well, we planned that we were going to watch movies tonight, but he came over today earlier, when I was painting my room. Things got a little.. heated-"

"Save the details please." I did not want to hear about their sexual experiences.

"I didn't mean it like that, well kind of-"

"Okay I get it." She laughs a little

"I meant we got into a fight, and we ended up yelling at eachother for awhile and he left because I told him he was being ridiculous. I tried to text him about coming over but he didn't respond, so I thought I would stop by just in case and I guess I was wrong, he was actually mad." She looks upset.

"Why did you guys fight? I thought you guys were the 'perfect couple'?" I stab back, Michaels an asshole, so it surprises me that this is their first fight.

"We are not even a couple that's the thing." she states and she looks like she might cry. Fuck, I'm not good with this kind of thing. What the fuck am I suppose to do if she starts crying?

"Uhm, I-um.." I start to try and find words to say to her.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this, sorry." A tear escapes and rolls down her pale cheek. My natural instinct finally comes back to me, I walk over to her and wipe the lone tear off her face looking at her big brown eyes.

Harsh | Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now