Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Song: I Can't Make You Love Me- Bon Iver


I was very nervous for the upcoming event, and that event being me meeting Luke's brothers. I've met his mom serveral times and would like to say she did like me, but I could never be too sure. I've heard some stories about Luke's brothers but he never actually told me why they left, I only knew that went to college and never really came back. I was interested on finding out, but I couldn't help but have bad feeling about it.

Luke was about to pick me up, and then we would go straight to his house. I was nervously pacing around my apartment, trying to prepare myself for what I was going to say to them, what if they didn't even know who I was? I mean, there is a chance they wouldn't because Luke said that he hasn't spoken to them in years.

I hear a knock on the door. I slowly make my way to it, and open the door to reveal Luke. He was wearing black skinny jeans as always, and a long button down black shirt. He looked really good, also like always. I think he was wearing the button down to cover up his tattoos, but I wasn't sure. "Hey." I say.

He smiles at me, and gives me a hug, "Hi babe, are you ready?" His voice was muffled by his face being in my hair. I nod slightly, not giving him an answer. I was acutally really nervous and I was hoping he wouldn't pick up on that. He releases me, and gives me a look. "Are you nervous?" He asks. Well, fuck.

"Yeah, a little bit." I say, smoothing out my dress, a simple 3 quarter length white one. I wanted to dress up for this, but I didn't want to go all out. Actually, it wasn't my dress, it was Ashley's. I didn't have any good simple dresses for an ocasion like this.

"You don't have anything to worry about." He tells me and grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. I feel a little better, but I was also worried why he wasn't more worried about it himself. "Shall we?" He gestures toward the door.

I nod again, "Why aren't you freaking out about this?" I ask, while we make our way down to our car.

"Because I'm trying to not let myself think about it."


"Luke, Andy! I'm so glad you guys could come." Liz tells us as we walk through the front door. Luke gives his mom an eye rolls. I nudge him a little. "Dinner is almost ready, Jack and Ben are in the kitchen getting the food ready. And I think Austin will be here soon." She informs us. I figured out that his brothers names were Jack and Ben, eventhough I thought I knew that already. I just forgot momentarily because Luke doesn't mention them much.

"Cool, we'll be there soon." Luke tells his mom. She smiles and makes her way to the kitchen. He turns to me, "Okay, one thing. Jack is a little bit like me, he doesn't have a very good temper. So if he says anything that is rude or anything, just ignore it okay?"

I nod at him, "I can handle you can't I?" I say.

He smirks, "Yeah barely." He leads us through the hallway and to the dinner room, where everyone was gathered, as they set up a table for the group. My nerves reserfaced as I saw his brothers for the first time. Luke said that Jack had a temper, so that worried me a little. I didn't want Luke and him to fight over anything.

Jack and Ben saw us and both had sort of surprised looks on their faces. They probably didn't think Luke was even going to show up, especially not with a girl. "Luke," One said, I didn't know which was which.

The one who said his name, makes his way over to him and hugs him. Luke doesn't really respond right away but then wraps his arms around his brother. He looks a little uncomfortable but does pull away until his brother does. He then does the same with the other brother.

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