Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Song: Landfill- Daughter (I DECIDED THIS IS THE OFFICIAL #LANDY SONG)


"Oh Andy, yes." Luke moaned as I kissed his neck, sucking on the skin gently. I had been straddling him, wearing his big shirt. Today was one of those days that we stayed inside and just focused on each other. The weather was dark and gloomy, we wouldn't have wanted to go outside anyways.

I went back up to his face, making my lips inches from his, but not touching them. "Babe, don't do this." Luke pleaded. I smiled at him, and pecked his lips once before cuddling into his side. He placed his lips on my forehead, giving me a small kiss.

"I wish we could do this all the time." Luke mutters as I trace my finger across his shoulder tattoos. There is one big one of a rose, and in the detail there was scenes of destruction, fire and cruel things. The rose was colored with red, and honestly, it was quiet beautiful.

"We do do this all the time." I tell him, us being together, and doing this had been the norm for the last few weeks. I keep my finger on the rose, studying the details. This might be my favorite one of his, I had been meaning to ask him what it meant to him, but I didn't get a chance.

"No I mean like forever." He says, and my heart rate speeds up. Luke always makes these comments about how we are going to stay together. He never seemed like a someone who would say these things when I first met him, but things are different now.

I press a kiss to his bare chest, "Forever isn't always as long as you might think." I tell him. He squeezes me which makes me giggle. Luke then lets out an unmanly laugh, I poke his dimple that was showing, thinking how cute he was. Whenever I tell him he's cute, he gets mad because he says a guy like him can't be cute.

"Don't say that," He pokes my nose, I crinkle my face. I look at his eyes, their so blue, and boy am I a sucker for blue eyes. I glance at the rose tattoo again.

"Well it's true," I say, before he can say anything else I ask, "What does this tattoo mean?" I touch the rose again, my finger going over all of the blood red of the flower.

"It stands for the pain that's inside beauty." He smiles at me, "It's stupid." He looks down, as though he is ashamed of getting it. I pull his chin up, he continues talking,"Like even the prettiest things have the hardest time. Or you may think something is perfect, but you realize it's more fucked up than you think. I'm not sure."

"It's beautiful." I tell him.

"You're beautiful." He tells me.


"Andy, I-" He stops talking, "Nevermind."

My mind drifts back from the flaskback I just had. It was that day that I thought he was going to tell me he loved me. Whatever he was going to say he never said anything like it again. I never asked him what he was going to say because I wouldn't be able to handle it.

The thing with me and Luke, was that we were never dating in the first place. It truly seemed like it, but nothing became official. So I can't be mad at him for not calling or keeping in contact with me, because there was nothing there anyways.

But I was mad.

I was mad because I thought things were going to be different with us. I refused to believe Luke was going to leave me. So when I saw him there, standing by the window, all the feelings of him always being there for me came back. I was mad because I thought he would sweep me off my feet and apologize. I was mad because he didn't. I was mad because I loved him.

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