Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Song: Wonder- Lauren Aquilina (this song is like Luke's theme song)


"Luke, you have to come, you don't have a choice." My mom tells me.

"But I don't want to come to a stupid family dinner." I moan, from all of the shit that happened last night, I was not in the mood to be forced into coming to a family dinner.

My mom had texted me earlier and said she had important news to tell me, but I didn't really think this was that important she could have texted me it. But no, I had to be present. She also told me that this dinner consisted of my brothers, and Austin. I was kinda glad that Austin would be there but I haven't talked to my brothers in a long time. We didn't really end on good notes when they left, because that was around the time I was getting drunk all of the time, just trying to make the pain go away.

That was years ago too, and everytime they did come into town, I would stay at Calum's house. I didn't want to see them because I was embarrassed of what I did with my life. I've just been trying to avoid them because it's easier that way. But recently I've been doing the opposite of that, and I've been actually hitting my problems head on and trying to fix them.

So this time, it's a little different.

"Lucas Robert, you have not seen your brothers in years and I'm not letting you get away this time." She tells me. And I know she's right.

This will also be the time that my brothers meet Austin, they are aware of who he is and how he is our other brother. At least that's what my mom told me. But they have yet to meet him, so it might be a bit awkward. My mom connected with Austin too, he is basically like her other son. I was glad because from what I hear from Austin, his mom is never present. Not that my mom is home a lot either, but it was more than his.

"Okay fine I'll go." I say, "But can I bring Andy?" I ask, hoping she'll say yes. Everything with Andy was a lot easier and I know if I got mad, she would be there to calm me down.

"Yes of course, sweetie. She's always welcomed." My mom also like Andy a lot, since she has come over so many times, she would talk to my mom. They got on pretty well too. My mom doesn't know that she used to date Michael or anything that had happened, and I want to keep it that way. She doesn't need to know everything.

"Okay, well I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow." I mumble. It was ironic that my mom had just warned me today that the dinner was tomorrow. I'm sure she did that so I wouldn't have time to object to it and find something else to do.

"You better be there." She warns.

I give her a small smile, "Yeah, yeah."


I smile at Andy as we walked down the road. I had picked her up and was now taking her to get icecream, I still needed to tell her about everything at Zone. I was sidetracked last night obviously by all the shit that went on.

"What?" She asked, probably weirded out by how I was smiling at her. She was wearing one of my band t-shirts that I had left at her apartment. It was a little big on her, but she made it look good with her black skinny jeans and a bright pair of shoes. She looked perfect, and my mind was blinded to everything but her.

"I'm just glad you're here." I said, she smiled back at me and took my hand. It was a surprise to me that Andy had admitted that she had thoughts of wanting to die. It also made me really sad. I remember her face and how she looked when I first saw her at the concert. The concert where I saw how broken she was, and I knew then I needed to help her.  She was not okay, and I was thinking maybe that's when she had those thoughts.

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