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Sorry the format is weird, guys. When I copied and pasted my draft onto the wattpad website, the paragraph spacing got all fucked up. Oh, well. Enjoy *>*

          "-Isn't that right, Piper?" Silvy asked cunningly. Immediately, everyone's eyes fell onto me. Even though I was receiving interested and accusing looks from every person at the party, Alex's look of desperation stuck out to me. Had she been honest? Was this just a plea from Silvy to make Alex look bad? Half of me, plus Polly, wanted to leave the apartment at once without a second thought, but the other half of me didn't want to fight with Alex again. The latter won.

          "As a matter of fact, it is! Too bad you'll quickly forget how great she is, given the fact that she's moved on from you and you're just an old flame to her now," I said, attempting to maintain my composure. Oh, shit!'s scattered the room, Alex's clearly audible. Someone let out laugh that boosted my confidence enough to smirk at Silvy- who was obviously livid.
          "Is that what she told you? You dumb bi-" Silvy interjected.

          "Enough!!!" A man's room from across the room evoked a silence in the room. "Silvy, you need to leave now. This is a celebration, not a cat fight." He must have been a very important person because Silvy quickly made her way through the crowd and out the door- tears falling down her face. Awkward stares were exchanged throughout the party and nobody said a word. "Get back to celebrating, people! Congratulations on our success!" Voices quickly filled the room again and I could hear Silvy's name pop up in several conversations.

          "Damn, Piper. Stooped a little low on that one," Polly said quietly.
          "Pipes, you didn't need to do that. I'm sorry she said what she did. You don't have to worry about her anymore, babe," Alex assured me. I shrugged, still unsure whether or not to believe Alex. But to be completely honest, I didn't want to fight with her again, so I just decided to let it go. The man who told Silvy to leave walked over and whispered something in Alex's ear and she followed him into another room.
          "I wonder who that guy is?" I wondered aloud. Polly nodded.
          "I wonder who all of these people are. I mean, come on Piper. You told me Alex works for a car dealership? How many people does it take to fucking sell a car?" Polly asked. Shit.
          "I don't know, Polly! Why don't you ask Alex?" God, sometimes she really annoyed me.
          "Well, I just think this is a little off. She has a crazy ex-girlfriend," she began, putting air quotes around 'ex,' "and she has a shit ton of money for how young she is! What is it about her that you like so much, Pipes? She's kind of an asshole."

          "So, she's good at her job? So, what, Polly? And you just think she's an asshole because she can't remember your name," I laughed. She rolled her eyes. Just in time, Alex and that guy walked back into the party and Alex, looking relieved, hurried over to me.
          "What do you say we ditch this place?" she whispered in my ear as soon as she reached me, sending chills down my spine. I nodded.
          "Polly, we are going to head out! Feel free to stay as long as you want!" I said as Alex playfully pulled me towards the door. Polly's face was a mix of 'fuck you!' and understanding, and that was good enough for me. As soon as Alex's apartment door was shut, her lips were on mine.
          "Let's go to your place, Pipes. I need you right now," she cooed, her kisses started to trail down my neck. I nodded in agreement, unable to find my voice, and we made our way to the street to call a cab.

          What seemed like a second after I looked my front door, Alex and I were on the floor of my apartment and she was ripping my dress from my body. Normally I would be concerned that I only wore the dress once before it was completely ruined, but with Alex being as hot as she was and getting ready to fuck me, I couldn't give two shits.
          "That was so hot when you stood up to Silvy like that, Pipes. God, I want you," Alex breathed.

          "I'm ready to taste what you taste like, Alex," I admitted. Despite feeling very awkward and unsexy when I said it, Alex seemed to love it and her kisses deepened- her warm tongue dancing with mine. "Will you coach me through it? Promise me you won't laugh."

          "I will coach you," Alex laughed. "And that's my last laugh." I smiled at her silliness and couldn't help but get giddy. My lips slowly made their way down her toned stomach until I was at the waistline of her underwear. I took a deep breath and pulled them down and eventually off her. After taking a glance at her face, which was filled with ecstasy, I gently kissed her pussy and she gasped. Unsure of what to do, I kept kissing it. This quickly earned me a chuckle from Alex.
          "What?" I asked sadly. Great... I really suck at this.

          "Don't just kiss it," she laughed harder. "Piper, you have to lick it." Feeling extremely embarrassed, I hid my face from her sight. "No, come on, Pipes. It's okay! You're cute!"
          "Fine," I sighed, smiling up at her. I tried again, this time with my tongue first. Whatever humor was in Alex's system was nowhere to be found as her face and moans were immediately filled with elation. I confidently continued as her wetness quickly escalated and was dripping down my chin. Having been with only guys, I could easily say girls tasted much better... or at least Alex did. Her hands began to run through my hair and she ushered me to keep going. I loved seeing her this way: out of control, vulnerable even. She was out of her element and I fucking loved it. Alex Vause had put her spell on me. At that moment, I realized my life would never be the same. Wherever Alex went, I'd go. There was no alternative.

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