Ch 3: "boring"- boarding the waverider

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Clarity and the rest of the legends walked toward martin steins silver car. Each one had decided to go on the promised adventure to save the world.

"Well of course they did! We wouldn't be watching this thing if they didn't." Thea pointed out rolling her eyes. Some things were just better left unsaid. She may not be rich any more but she still kept her attitude.

"Professor! Are you sure this is the place?" Leonard asked from where he walked next to his partner Mick Rory.

"Oh dear, Martin has the directions. Someone else should have taken them. Martin gets lost faster than you can say firestorm" Clarissa said  to Caitlyn with a laugh.

"I think we're being punked." Ray said making clarity giggle slightly. Ray turned to clarity in confusion.

"I highly doubt that a guy from the future would abduct everyone just to get punked Ray" Felicity said with a laugh.

"I still think you two are related and he can't hear you." Oliver told her.

"This is fun. Don't be a broody arrow" Felicity told him.

"What people don't say punk'd anymore?" He asked. Before clarity could respond Sara spoke up.

"Oh dear lord. Supergirl!" Cat called.

"Yes, Miss, Grant?"

"Get the over grown man child a dictionary filled with words that people still urban dictionary!" Cat said snapping her fingers.

"Alright" Kara said her eyebrows furrowing not completely sure Cat understood what an urban dictionary was or that she herself knew what that was, but she wrote it down on the items list under chapstick.

"No they don't" Sara replied. You could hear the slight amusement mixed with her cynical tone.

"Oh oh look! There's Sara again! Wait she stole my jacket! I was wondering where that went!" Laurel said happy to see her sister but pissed about the jacket that had been missing from her closet for months.

"It's a cute jacket" Alex responded. She liked Laurel. She could relate to her.

"I see your buddy threw himself a going away party" mick rory stated gesturing to the passed out form of jax in the passenger seat of steins car.

"Oh Martin..." Clarissa sighed exasperated. After this she was going to have to apologize to the boys mother.

"Mick's kind of a drunk sometimes" Lisa told Cisco.

"I'm guessing heatwave likes the burn?" Cisco asked.

"That's my sexy Cisco" Lisa smirked. She loved it when he was being smart.

"Yes i believe he drank something that didn't quite agree with him" martin stein said with a slight incline of his head as he placed the address back into his front jacket pocket.

"Wait did stein....drug him?" Barry questioned.

"Yes I would expect he's not waking up for a while. Martin must have given him some of the drink he keeps reserved to knock out army lieutenants when they want his research" Clarissa said.

"Stein has....Damn learn something new everyday" Cisco said impressed that the old man would think of something so clever.

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