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Joker had been in Arkham for a month. Harley wondered around the house bored as always. It wasn't the same without him around. She had planned to break him out but found out he was badly injured so the hospital at Arkham was probably the best place for him. She sat at the kitchen table dreaming of him. Thinking about his green hair, his tattoos and his angelic smile. She couldn't wait for him to get better so she could be back in his arms. It was 1am she knew she should be in bed but she couldn't sleep. She went to the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. "Do you think that's wise miss quinn?" Frost asked from behind her. "You've been drinking a lot recently I don't mean to upset you but boss wouldn't be pleased if you damaged yourself in his absence." She grabbed two wine glasses. "Join me." He shook his head. "I can't miss I need to keep an eye on you." She poured him a glass and put it in front of him. "One glass won't hurt."
Soon one glass turned to two and two turned to three and three turned to a bottle. Then one bottle turned to two and two to three. Harley looked up slightly teary eyed. "Puddin?" She saw the greened haired man sat across from her. She went and sat on his lap kissing him passionately. He hesitated for a moment before kissing her back. "What do you say we go upstairs." She said flirtingly as she grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs. She fell on the bed laughing. She had such a bubbly giggle frost thought as he watched the insanely drunk women laughing on the bed. The next thing he knew her hands were running up his chest. She pulled him down on top of him.

Harley woke up the next morning her head pounding. She felt an arm around her waist. "Puddin!" She beamed and rolled over. She felt sick to her stomach as she saw frost laying naked next to her still asleep. "WHAT THE FUCK!" She looked up to see the Joker stood in doorway. She began to cry. "Mr J please forgive me I was so drunk last night I thought he was you. I could of sworn it was you." He held his gun up to her. He put his finger on the trigger trying to hold back his own tears. He threw the gun against the wall and stormed out. "I'm so sorry miss." She pinned him to the bed by his throat strangling him. "This is your fault! I love him I thought you were him! Now he doesn't love me anymore and it's all your fault!" She put more pressure on his throat. "HARLEY!" His voice shook her. She jumped out of the bed frost spluttered trying to get his breath back. She threw on some clothes and ran downstairs. "Yes Mr J." She said her voice shaking as she ran to him. She froze as she saw him. His back was to her but he was just as intimidating. "Harley... baby." The way he said it sent shivers down her spine. "Yes sir." He turned around and grabbed her chin in his hand. "You're a whore!" He threw her away as a tear escaped her. "Oh cry me a fucking river harls!" They both stood in silence for a minute. "I'm sorry Mr J I was drunk." He interrupted her. "Oh so you're a drunken whore!" She shook her head. "I thought he was you." The Joker began to laugh scaring Harley even more. He walked towards her forcing her to back into a corner. "Now you see Harley that's comedy." He put his hand around her throats pinning her to wall. He gripped her so she could barely breath just enough to keep her alive. He ran his other hand through his hair. "I'll deal with you later. Get out of my sight." She ran out the door and bumped into frost. "You have to go!" She said to him as she ran upstairs. She curled up in a ball on the bed and cried.

The Joker paced around his office whiskey in hand. How dare she cheat on him. How dare she let anyone else look at her let alone touch her. He felt his rage building up inside him. He downed what was left in his glass before smashing it against the wall. He picked up the bottle and drank from that. He didn't usually do this he thought it was tacky. He took a massive swig from the bottle and the door creaked open. A very scared Harley peeped around the door. "Can I get you anything Mr J?" She asked in a weak shaky voice. He finished the last drop before holding the neck of the bottle and smashing the bottom on the table. He looked up at Harley and felt a pain in his chest. He stood up and slowly walked around the desk never losing eye contact with her. "Puddin... you're scaring me." She felt more tears escape her eyes as  she wrapped her arms around her self in fear. "Oh I'm scaring you am I harls?" He tipped his head back as he laughed and leant on his desk waving the top half of the smashed bottle in his hand not sure if he wanted to ram it into Harley or himself. He looked back at Harley and their eyes met. She saw the hurt in his eyes only for a moment before they soon turned to anger again. He froze for a second and stopped waving around the bottle before running at her bottle first. She slammed the door shut making him run into it. He threw the bottle on the floor in anger before sliding his back down and sitting amongst the broken glass crying into his hands.
Harley ran as fast as she could back upstairs everyone was on strict orders she wasn't to leave the house and she didn't want to upset him even more by leaving.

A few days past and he didn't come out of his office. Several times she would go up to the door but she could never bring herself to go in.

It had been a week since she had seen him come out his office. She walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water when she couldn't breathe. She started shaking and tears rolled down her cheeks. Her chest felt tight and it hurt to take in what little oxygen she could. "Mr J help!" She called out impulsively but he didn't come. "Mr J please!" She cried for him. She heard his office door open and footsteps hurry towards her. He looked at her with cold eyes for a moment but they soon turned soft as he pulled her in close. "I can't stay mad at you." He sounded kind of annoyed at himself. He began to stroke her hair. "Baby you're having a panic attack. I want you to know I'm here ok I've got you." As he said this she began to calm down and her breathing returned to normal. "Ok baby?" She nodded and still cried into his chest. "I'm...." he stopped her talking. "Let's forget it. I don't want it mentioned again do you hear me?" She nodded and he kissed her head before picking her up. "I haven't slept in a week and you look tired Harley let's go to bed."

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