Not anymore.

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A/N I'm in the mood to write something really sad and emotional right now so that's what this is gonna be. Enjoy.

Joker reached out to Harley.
"Come on baby grab my hand." He saw the fear in her eyes. The tears were streaming down her face.
"Harley!" He barked at her.
"Pudding I can't... I love you." He finally let his tears fall.
"I love you to Harls." He saw her slipping.
"Harley!" He cried.


He suddenly sat up. He had the dream again.
"Puddin!" He heard Harley call from downstairs.
"Coming!" He called back. He pulled himself out of bed. He walked slowly down the stairs.
"Puddin!" He sighed.
"Harley I'm coming!" He walked through the living room and to Harley's room.
"What's wrong pumpkin?" He asked walking to the side of her bed. He ran his hand through her hair.
"Puddin I gotta go." He kissed her forehead and walked to the end of her bed.
"We really need to find a way of you getting in this thing yourself." He said as he took her wheelchair to her. She wiggles herself up in bed. He put the brakes on her chair and walked round to her. He reached around her and lifted her up and sat her in her chair. He the pushed her to her bathroom.
"Puddin I can push myself around you know I'm not completely helpless." He chuckled.
"Go on then miss I can do it myself. Who do you think you are the bat?" He began to laugh.
"Get it Harls because he always refuses help so ends up nearly dead." Harley just sighs and closes the bathroom door.  Joker walked into the kitchen and poured a couple of drinks. A whiskey for him and a wine for Harley. He walked to the sofa and sat down. A few moments later he heard a bang from the bathroom.
"You ok Harls?" He said walking towards her bathroom.
"I'm fine puddin... I may just need a little help." He took a step away from the door.
"Get back Harls." He said before kicking the door open busting the lock. He walked in to see Harley on the floor her chair had wheeled away from her.
"I forgot to put the brakes on... again. I don't think I'm ever going to get the hang of this." Joker picked her up and put her back in her chair.
"I poured you a drink." She smiled and he watched her wheel herself into the living room. He walked in to find her parked by the table.
"Puddin." She said as he sat down.
"Yes baby." She looked at him and smiled.
"I wanna sit on the sofa and cuddle you again. It's been such a long time and I thought." She stopped talking and looked at the ground. He took her chin his hand and kissed her softly. He went to say something but changed his mind. He walked over to her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up and then sat on the sofa her on his lap. She buried her face in his neck and they just held each other.
"It's funny don't ya think Mr J. I was a gymnast and now my legs don't even work." She chuckled slightly.
"And you know what they said you didn't love me, but this proves it. This proves it more then anything. And I had moments when I believed them but I always knew you loved me really." Joker smiled and kissed her forehead softly.
"Hey puddin I'm sorry." She looked up at him and he looked down confused.
"What for?" She kissed him passionately.
"We haven't done anything like that since the accident and I feel bad because I know you've wanted to and I have to I'm just sorry." She looked up in confusion as Joker began to chuckle.
"Baby if you wanted that you could've asked. Oh you thought because you were like this I wouldn't want to? Baby don't be stupid. How could a king not want his queen." He leant down and kissed her passionately.
"But Harley I don't just want that." She pulled him into a kiss again.
"Well I do."


Joker walked down the stairs to find Harley crying in her bed.
"Baby what's wrong?" Joker sat on her bed and pulled her into him.
"I hate it! I hate being like this! I want things to go back to how they were. I wanna be able to walk again. I don't wanna live like this anymore! I'm done Mr J!" Harley cried into him. Hearing her like this broke his heart.
"Harley baby please don't talk like that." His voice cracked as he spoke.
"But it's true. I hate it. I hate living like this. This isn't living it's just breathing." He kissed her forehead.
"Harley baby." She pushed herself away off him.
"Don't call me that!" She screamed at him.
"I'm not Harley anymore... I'm not anyone anymore. I'm nothing. No one." He tried not to cry. He felt it in the pit of his stomach. He felt sick. He felt his throat get tight. He felt himself getting angry again. He clenched his fists and stood up.
"Don't say that!" He was trying not to get angry at her. He began to walk away.
"It's true! I'm a nobody! I'm not Harley Quinn anymore!" Before he could stop himself the back of his hand met Harley's cheek. She looked up at him pain in her eyes.
"Hey and you know I can't run away anymore so you can beat me as much as you like." He ran his hand through his hair before pulling her into a kiss.
"Look at me." He said holding her chin.
"I don't want you talking like that ok baby?" She nodded and he felt her tears running on to his hands. He pulled her into his chest and held her.
"Harley babe listen to me you'll be ok." She shook her head still crying into his chest.
"I will never be ok. Not after this." He didn't argue anymore he just held her.
He lay down and she rested her head on his chest. He just lay with her until she fell asleep.
It was about an hour later when Harley woke up.

"Puddin." Harley said weakly.
"What's up?" He asked as she looked up at him.
"I don't wanna live like this anymore." He kissed her forehead.
"I know baby girl." She shook her head.
"No I mean I don't wanna live anymore." He froze.
"I love you and you know that but I can't live like this. I can't. I don't want to. And I need you to kill me." He shook his head.
"No Harley. You're not leaving me."
"Please. I don't want to be like this anymore." She begged him.
"Harley go to sleep we will talk in the morning." She nodded and put her head back down.
"Mr J why are you crying?." He chuckled slightly.
"You noticed?" She nodded.
"I'm laying on her chest. I can feel you crying." He didn't bother replying he just let her fall asleep.
He didn't want to lose her but he knew she wasn't his Harley anymore. She had been speaking like this for a few months now. It didn't seem to be passing only getting worse. He didn't have a choice. It was too cruel making her love this way.
"Harley." He woke her up gently. She looked up at him sleep filled eyes.
"I love you baby. I love you so much. Is this what you really want?" She nodded.
"I love you to Mr J I just hate living like this. It's horrible for me and it's horrible for you. I hate it." He kissed her forehead again and let her fall back asleep. He lay there just holding her for an hour, maybe two.
He slid out from beneath her carefully so not to wake her. He walked into the kitchen and got out the whiskey. He drank one glass then another, and another until there was only a little left in the bottle. He grabbed his gun and walked back into the bedroom. He looked at Harley sleeping peacefully. She looked so beautiful.
"I love you baby." He whispered as he lifted the gun and placed it gently on he temple.
"One last gift." He put his finger on the trigger.
"You'll forever be my always." He leant down and placed one last kiss on her lips. As he went to pull the trigger she moved slightly. He suddenly threw the gun against the wall causing Harley to wake.
She looked at him then the gun on the floor.
"Puddin were you.."
"It's what you want baby." He interrupted her.
"And I don't want you being unhappy I love you Harley and I don't want to lose you but I want to do what's right." She nodded.
"It's ok Mr J you can do it.... I want you to. Just give me one last kiss first." He grabbed his gun and went back over to Harley pulling her into a long soft yet passionate kiss.
"I love you puddin." She said resting her forehead against his.
"I love you to pumpkin." He said.
She held his face and he had his hand on her neck.
She closed her eyes as he placed the gun to her head.
"Harley are you sure." She nodded they both had tears running down their cheeks. He gave her a peck on the lips.
"I'll always love you Harls." He said and he pulled the trigger. He felt her body go limp. He threw the gun out of his hand and pulled her in close crying into her.
"It will always be me and you Harley. Always."

Breaking news.
Joker has been spotted causing chaos once again in Gotham, but there is still no sign of Harley Quinn. Many theories have surfaced about what has happened to the Jokers partner but one is that she has passed away. There are many reasons to believe this. He doesn't do his usual jokes anymore and he doesn't seem to be smiling or laughing either. An even bigger factor is there is always something linked to Harley Quinn at the crime scenes. For example last week there was black and red roses left in the middle of the floor. Other things left at crime scenes have included;
Harley's hat,
A red and black harlequin painting,
A photo of the two of them and even and necklace believed to be Harley's.
So this leaves the question what happened to Harley Quinn?

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