Desire (part 2) ,more smut,

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After an hour Harley woke up. She sat up and looked at the time. Once she realised how long they had been asleep she instantly woke him up.
"Puddin. Wake up. It's been an hour." He sat up on his elbow sleepily.
"What time is it?" He said yawning. Harley held up her phone and he instantly jumped up and started getting dressed. Harley did the same and followed him as he rushed down stairs.
"Harley hurry up!" He growled running downstairs. Harley was hoping down the stairs trying to put her shoe on, her dress still unzipped at the back.
Joker burst the door to the meting open to them all still sat there and staring at him.
"What?" He asked confused the all looked back down until Harley stumbled in the door still trying to put her shoe on.
"Puddin I can't do my dress up." She whined. He sighed and put his head in his hand. Ivy looked at him and stood up walking over to Harley.
"Come here harl I'll do it." Harley smiled and turned around so Ivy could do it up.
"Thanks Red." Ivy just hugged her and went to sit back down.
"So how far did you get?" Penguin asked. They all started laughing.
"What's so funny now?"
"Well all we could hear was you two. And when you were finally done, and asleep I'm guessing, we couldn't help but take the piss." Joker was not impressed and his face went blank. He looked at penguin.
"What do you mean you English prat! Taking the piss! You're just jealous because I got some." He then grabbed Harley's arm and dragged her out.
"Excuse us." Everyone laughed apart from Ivy she had a worried expression on her face.
"Shut up you lot! You know what he is like. Why did you piss him off you know she gets it!" Ivy stood up and headed to the door.
She opened the door and saw Harley pushed agains the wall her arms being held above her head, and she was in a passionate kiss with joker. Ivy shut the door quickly and went to sit down.

Meanwhile outside joker pulled away and leant his forehead against hers. Next time we are out stay quiet or I'll have to punish you baby ok?" Harley nodded panting.
"Now harls listen to me. We are going to go in there and finish this meeting after that I'm taking you home and you can be as loud as you want. Okay?" Harley nodded and felt her hands get released.
"Good girl." With that he vanished back into the room.

Harley stood outside for a minute wondering how she would handle anymore. Especially if it was like that. Harley sorted her hair and walked back in.
"So what's the plan?"

Throughout the rest of the meeting joker tried to concentrate as much as possible, but he just couldn't do it. Not with Harley sat there in that dress. It was bad enough but she had scratched her leg and her dress had gone up her thigh. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her so she was sitting on him again.
"Now baby you listen to me." He whispered to her. Harley nodded shivers running down her spine.
"You will keep quiet or else." Harley froze confused when she felt his hand run up her thigh. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face there. She felt his hand scratch along the bottom of her stomach. She tried not to let out a small moan of approval.
She then felt his hand run across the fabric of her underwear. She reached down and grabbed his hand.
"What's wrong baby?" She shook her head.
"Nothing I just don't think I can keep quiet." He chuckled in her ear.
"Well you better try princess." She let go of his hand and he continued to run his hand across he underwear. She then felt his fingers glide beneath the fabric and rub her gently. She fidgeted on his lap so she could open her legs without it being obvious.
"So J what's your part of this plan than?" Penguin asked chucking out a spare blueprint onto the table with a pen. Joker removed his hand from Harley and began to write. She watched him as he scribbled hoping he would hurry up and continue what he was doing. After he finished scribbling he lifted Harley off his lap and sat her on the chair next to him. Harley sighed and leant back in the chair. She just wanted to go home.

They continued to ramble on and on about boring stuff that had nothing to do with Harley or even interested her in the slightest. All she could think about what getting home. Suddenly Harley was lifted back onto his lap and he kissed her forehead softly.
"Did you hear that Harley. We are gonna be rich!" He said kissing her.
"And you want to know your job baby?" He said with a grin on his face. Harley nodded excitedly because she didn't hear her name once.
"You my dear, distract the bat." Harley smile soon faded.
"But puddin!!!" She whined.
"I always distract the bat." He smiled at her softly.
"But baby that's the best and most important bit." He leaned In and whispered in her ear.
"I'll thank you later." She sighed and agreed disappointedly.
With that he kissed her neck and bit it sending goosebumps down her body.
"Right this meeting is over." Penguin said standing up.
"Glad you all came... some of literally." He looked at Harley who blushed and hid her face in jokers neck.
"I'll see you all next week." With that joker stood up picking Harley up with him. Harley let out a small yelp because it made her jump. He just laughed at her and walked out the door.

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