It's always been you...

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Harley lay in bed sobbing into the pillow. She couldn't handle the pain she was feeling. Harley was trembling, she couldn't breath and her whole world had come crashing down around her in the space of a few hours.

Earlier that day
Harley rolled over still partly asleep. She reached out and felt Joker still asleep next to her. She opened her eyes and smiled. He looked so peaceful. His green hair a mess and his breathing slow. She lay her head on his chest and felt his strong arm wrap around her.
"Morning beautiful." Harley instantly felt guilty. He barley slept anymore and when he did he was always such a light sleeper.
"I'm sorry Mr J. I didn't mean to wake you." He shook his head and stroked Harley's hair.
"I've been laying here with my eyes closed for about half an hour." He chuckled as he pulled Harley's chin up. He placed a soft kiss on her lips.
"Harley I need to go to this meeting I have. I'll be back soon." Harley sighed and rolled off him.
"Baby. Don't be like that." Harley rolled back over and looked at him.
"I'm sorry we never spend any time together anymore. We wake up and it's always 'sorry Harley I have to go to a meeting' or 'sorry baby I have to go to this meeting thing I have today.' It's never me anymore. It's always work and I miss you." Joker sighed and pulled her into him.
"Harley, I do all this so you can have money to buy things. So you can go out and spend time with Ivy, as much as I hate her, but the plant makes you happy and as long as you're happy I'm happy." Harley smiled and kissed him once more before got out of bed and went for a shower. Harley closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Harley woke up an hour later and saw Jokers phone on the bed side table. She ignored it and stood up when it lit up. She knew she shouldn't look but what if it was important. Harley saw an unsaved number on the screen.

I can't wait to see you later it's going to be so much fun. Especially if it's anything like last time 😉

Harley felt her heart sink. What did the wink mean? Then another message popped up from the same number.

Harley's a lucky girl... well she was 😂

Harley felt her heart break and her stomach sink. She threw the phone across the room causing it to smash against the wall. She got dressed tears streaming down her face. She put her hair into a ponytail and pulled on her leather boots. She took a look in the mirror and wiped her tears before storming downstairs.
"Where did he go?" Harley said marching into the kitchen to frost. Frost looked at her confused.
"Don't give me that look! I know he tells you where he is going, with who and when! He tells you his whole schedule for the week. So tell me where he is." Frost sighed looking defeated.
"He went to the docs to meet Ivy." Harley froze. She felt like all the breath had been knocked out her body. She stumbled back and leant on the edge of the table. Frost took the whiskey off the side and poured a glass for Harley. He barely handed it to her when she snatched it from his hand and down it.
"Do you know why?" Harley said her voice quiet as if she was scared to know. Frost shrugged.
"That's one thing I don't know miss I'm sorry." Harley threw the glass at the floor smashing it.
"I'll be back soon... you know or I won't because maybe this time he'll kill me." Harley said grabbing her car keys and storming out.

Harley pulled up at the docs and saw his car outside one of the abandoned buildings. She loaded her gun and grabbed her bat. She entered silently trying to remember what Selina had taught her. She heard Ivy laugh from up stairs. Harley controlled her anger and stayed silent. She looked in the doorway to see the back of a sofa facing her. She could see Jokers arm around Ivy's shoulder her head resting on him. Harley picked up her bag and knocked on the floor twice.
Ivy turned around but Joker kept looking forward.
"Harley?" Ivy said jumping up, as soon as Harley's name left her lips joker turned around.
"I hope I didn't interrupt." She said taking a couple of steps forward.
"Harley I'm so..." before I could finish Harley interrupted her.
"Get out!" Harley said not taking her eyes off the joker. Ivy walked out her hanging her head.
"Harley you have to listen to me." Harley shook her head.
"You are everything to me! I changed my life for you! I left everything and everyone I ever knew behind for you! Can't you see everything I do is for you! Everything I've done is for you! It's always been you!" Harley couldn't hold back her tears back any longer. Floods of tears streamed down her face. He took one step towards her and she raised her gun.
"Don't come near me!" Harley's arm was shaking.
"Harley it's not what you think!" Harley lowered her gun and turned around.
"Don't come home." Harley said as she lowered the gun and walked out.

Just as Harley was about was about to get in her car she heard Ivy call from behind her.
"Harley! Wait!" Harley didn't even look back.
"I'll deal with you later!" She spat as she got in her car. She sped back to the house tears streaming down her face. She walked in and went back up to bed. She collapsed onto the bed and clutched his pillow. How could he do this her, after everything she had done for him. Harley sobbed into the pillow. She heard her phone go off in her pocket. It took all her effort to look at it. As soon she saw his name she started crying again.

Please call me Harley. We can sort this out -J x

Harley locked her phone again and clutched it to her chest. After a few seconds she threw it across the bed.

Harley lay in bed sobbing into the pillow. She couldn't handle the pain she was feeling. Harley was trembling, she couldn't breath and her whole world had come crashing down around her in the space of a few hours. Her phone rang and rang but she ignored it. When it was only when it rang for the 20th time that Harley gave in. She saw it was still Joker trying to get hold of her. She went to answer but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She put the phone back down.
She looked up when she heard a knock on the door.
"What?" Harley said weakly. The door opened and frost poked his head around the corner.
"Can I get you anything?" Harley thought for a second.
"Any form of alcohol you can find and a decent boyfriend if you have one of those going spare." Harley said staring at the wall.
"The first one I can do." He went to leave.
"Why are you still being nice to me? Shouldn't you and the others be trying to kill me by now?" Frost smiled and shook his head.
"I won't let them. Also Joker called and told the others they had to take care of you." Harley smiled slightly. At least he still cared. Her smile soon fell as she pictured him laughing with Ivy. Her brain began to wander. She started to think if he had done anything else with her. Maybe that was why he hadn't been interested in her. Harley felt sick to her stomach. All those times she kissed him when he came through the door. Harley began to cry again.

Frost came through the door with a few bottles of wine and a couple of whiskey. Harley drank and drank until she felt sick. Harley got out of bed but she couldn't stand up. Her legs were shaking and her head was spinning. She finally managed to stand up. The world span faster and she couldn't focus on anything. Harley opened the door and saw frost in front of her.
"Help." She whimpered. Frost stepped to the side and she saw green hair.
"Mr J?" Harley asked sobbing and hopeful.
"Harls how much have you had to drink?" He said stepping forward tentatively. Harley shrugged trying to think.
"Three bottles of wine and a bottle of whiskey.... in two hours." She heard frost say. Harley suddenly felt the feeling of sickness take over her body. She fell to her knees and couldn't stop herself from throwing up in the hallway. Joker bent down next to her and held her hair back.
"You're gonna feel this tomorrow." He said rubbing her back. After a few minutes without thinking she crawled onto his lap.
"Why? After everything I've done for you? And with my best friend?" Harley looked up at him her eyes red and swollen.
"Harley I'm sorry and we can talk tomorrow but you need to sleep." Harley shook her head but she was already being carried to bed. Joker lay her down and went to leave but she clutched his shirt.
"I love you with all my heart. You mean everything to me and you broke me. You are my entire world and I don't know what to do without you." She pulled him down onto the bed and he held her.
"Harley I'm sorry it wasn't what it looked like. She needed help and as much as I hate her she has done so much for you." Harley chuckled through her tears.
"So you cheated on me because she needed you?" Joker shook his head.
"We will talk when you're sober." Harley went to argue But exhaustion hit her like a ton of bricks. She felt her eyes close and she was asleep in seconds.

Harley woke up the next morning and saw Joker next to her.
"GET OUT!" Harley screamed!

Was thinking about a part 2 what do you guys think?

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