Lustful thinking

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We all know how Harley and joker met. The poor psychiatrist turned psycho by the mind games, but She never told a soul about the first time he escaped...

Harleen was in her office when the siren sounded. She locked the door and waited for the voice to boom through the speakers.
"The Joker has escaped I repeat the Joker has escaped. No one is to leave their offices and all guards on red alert." Harley beamed at the news. She knew he would come and get her she just had to wait. She waited in her office for half an hour before she realised he wasn't coming for her just yet.
There was a knock on the door. She unlocked the door and the bat walked in.
"Dr Quinzel you're in serious danger." She just giggled. "You could die."
She shrugged and picked up her jacket and keys.
"Occupational hazard." She walked past him and out to her car. As she sat down she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She tried to stop the smile spreading across her face but she couldn't. She put on some lipstick and drove to the top of the hill. She parked her car at the meeting place and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
She sat there for two hours before she heard a knock on her window. She saw his grin and he opened her door.
"Puddin!" She jumped out and hugged him.
"Heya Harls." He spun her round and began to kiss her. They heard someone behind them and turned to see a terrified man on the phone to the police. Joker growled and pulled out his gun. He shot the man and went back to Harley.
"The bat will be here any minute you need to go." Harley felt a sadness in the pit of her stomach. She nodded and hung her head. He grabbed her chin and kissed her passionately.
"You'll see me sooner then you think." She smiled at him.
"Ok puddin. I'll see you later." He watched her get back in the car and drive away. He couldn't wait to get his hands on her, but the bat had ruin another evening he had planned. He saw the bat spreading towards him. He wouldn't normally run from him but he wasn't in the mood for a fight. He put his hands in his pocket and whistled as he walked into the woods.

Harley pulled up outside her apartment and she couldn't stop thinking of him. Worse then before. Before it was about how amazing he was or his smile but now all she could think about was how she wanted him. She tried to shake the thought but it kept coming back.
She went into her bathroom and turned on the shower steam began filling the room. She opened the little window slightly before getting undressed and stepping in. As she felt the warm water run over she could imagine his hands wandering over body. She was torn from her thoughts when she heard her apartment door fly open and bang as it hit the wall. Harley turned the shower off and wrapped herself in a towel. She unlocked the door and walked slowly out the bathroom. She looked towards the front door but couldn't see anyone. She let out a small yelp as she was pulled in close by someone. As she inhaled the scent of whiskey she knew exactly who it was.
"Hey baby... miss me?" She wrapped her arms around him.
"Mr J I thought I wouldn't see you for a while?" He kissed her forehead softly.
"I told you it would be sooner then you think." He couldn't stop thinking about what was under her towel. He had an overpowering urge to pull it off and take her where she stood.
"You ok puddin?" He voice bringing him back to the real world.
"Of course baby." He ran his hand through her still dripping hair. He ran his hand along her jaw to her chin pulling her up for a kiss. As the kiss grew more passionate their lust for each other grew stronger. The Joker couldn't take it anymore he kissed her neck and up to her ear.
"I want you." His warm breath sending shivers down her spine and caused goosebumps to cover her skin. He bit her ear gently and as if on command her towel fell and landed at her ankles. She looked at him and he didn't break eye contact. He placed his hand on her side.
"You want this baby?" She nodded and bit her lip. He removed his top and pulled her close to him. She felt all his muscles against her and she could finally feel how strong he was. He kissed her passionately before pushing her against the wall. She slid her hands down his body and removed his trousers. He smiled at her before picking her up and leaning her back against the wall. She bit her lip and moaned slightly as she felt him put himself inside her. Suddenly he started beeping.

Harley lifted her head and turned her alarm off. She sighed and let her face flop into the pillow. She got dressed and went straight to work. He was her first appointment of the morning. She had the room with no camera like always. She walked into the room to see him sitting patiently waiting for her.
"How long until you break out Puddin?" She asked hopefully. He managed to slip out his straight jacket as always and put it in the floor to reveal his bare chest.
"Not long baby. Not long." She smiled at him.
"I had a dream about you last night.." he leant back in his chair.
"What did I do in this dream Harley?" She wanted to tell him in excruciating detail. She wanted to tell him about all the scents a the feelings. She opened her mouth to tell him but she changed her mind.
"Awe come on Harls. How do you know I didn't have the same kind of dream." At this point Joker could read Harley like a book. He knew all her thoughts. Her strengths her weaknesses. And he played her like a game.
She bit her lip and told him every last detail. When she finished her story he walked over to her and kissed her passionately.
"How much of our session is left doctor?" She looked at her watch.
"Five minutes." He growled angrily and ran his hands through his hair. He grabbed her keys and locked the door.
"They can wait... I need my physical therapy." She giggled and stood up walking to him. He picked her up just like in her dream and kissed her passionately. Harley couldn't help but let out a small moan every now and then when he kissed her neck or ran his hand up her thigh. He then removed his trousers and her underwear. He lifted up her dress.
"You have to be quiet now baby ok?" She nodded and bit her lip in an attempt to stay quiet. She couldn't help but let out a moan. Then there was a knock on the door.
"Sessions over doctor." Joker smiled at her evilly and thrusted slowly.
"Answer them then doctor. Otherwise they may come in." She took a deep breath in.
"I need about ten more minutes." She said trying to keep her breathing as steady as possible. He then began thrusting harder and faster. She couldn't hold in her moans any longer. She put a hand on his hip to stop him.
"Harley are you ok." She nodded trying to control her breath.
"What's wrong?" She shook her head.
"Nothing I just don't think I can be quiet puddin." He smiled evenly and went faster then before. Harley let out a loud moan as he did so.
"Dr Quinzel you need to end the session now!" He didn't stop. She felt an orgasm building up inside her. Her moans mixed with his as they heard the door rattle. Her moans only causing him to faster. She moaned loudly as she orgasmed and the door swung open.
The guards stood their guns trained on them both.
"Nobody move." Joker thrusted hard into Harley causing her to moan loudly. They both laughed and she slapped his shoulder jokingly.
"Can we at least get dressed?" The guards looked at each other.
"Ok but don't try any more funny business." Joker laughed and Harley looked at him confused.
"Bit late for that." She laughed with him and the guards walked out disgusted.

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