Its always been you (part 2)

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"Get out!" Harley screamed and her head was pounding. She sat on the edge of the bed her head in her hands. Everything ached.
"Harley we need to talk." Harley shook her head even though every movement killed.
"Please." She said weakly. "I need water.... and I need to sleep this off." Joker sighed and got up. He left and returned moments later with a glass of water. He opened his mouth to say something but he changed his mind. He left and Harley buried her face in the pillow. She wanted to cry again but her head hurt too much. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Joker walked downstairs and saw frost in the living room.
"Is everything ok boss?" Joker froze angry.
"I know you told her. You were the only one who knew. Why didn't you tell her everything rather than just where I was?" Frost looked at floor and went to leave.
"Nothing to say for yourself?" Joker asked turning to face him. Frost shook his head not looking up.
"Go and tell Ivy to never talk to me or Harley again. Also grab me the most expensive wine and the best looking flowers you can find." Frost nodded and hurried out. Joker sat on the sofa and turned on the tv. He clicked his fingers and one of his men came in with a bottle of whiskey and a glass. He sat their drinking and watching tv for about three hours before Harley came downstairs.
"I told you to leave." She said holding her head. Joker stood up and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Harley. You have to listen to me. She needed my help I can't tell you why but nothing else happened I promise. Please believe me." Harley looked at the ground for a second. She looked up and met his gaze. She soon melted into his eyes and fell into him.
"I can't. I want to but I can't. I can't go on without you but right now I can't be with you. I don't know what to do." Joker wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her tight.
"Trust me. Please. I would never do that to you especially not with Pam. Please Harley." She looked up at him. She kissed him softly trembling.
"I'm sorry." She said pulling away and going back upstairs. She got half way up the stairs when frost walked in. She turned around and saw joker stood behind her with a bottle of wine and flowers.
"I told you." She was interrupted by frost.
"Miss Quinn I cant explain it but I promise you He was only helping her nothing happened." Harley took the wine and walked back up the stairs. She shut her bedroom door and began to drink from the bottle. She sat down and the door burst open.
"What do you expect me to do Harley? I'm trying to make it up to you!" Joker shouted. Harley laughed and put the bottle down.
"Don't give me that shit! I don't care anymore!" Joker stepped forwards his fists clenched.
"Don't push me harls." He growled through gritted teeth. Harley stood up and walked up to him.
"Or what? You'll beat me? Hey I'm sure if you try really hard you can kill me this time." Harley got so close to him she felt his heavy breath on her face. Suddenly his hand flew up and wrapped around Harley's throat. He didn't grip tight enough to strangle her. Harley smiled and grabbed his wrists.
"You remember don't you? It's more like this." She said pushing his hand tighter against her throat. He followed her lead for a second before pulling his arm away. He turned around and swept everything off the drawers.
"I don't want to hurt you!" He Barked. "I love you and I need you!" Harley wanted to smile but she couldn't she just started crying again.
"Then why do it?" Joker turned around slowly tears in his eyes.
"Honestly Harls... I have no idea." He ran his hand through his hair and sat on the bed.
"Can we just talk.... please." Joker pleaded. Harley sighed and sat next to him. Harley took another big drink and put the bottle down.
"No." She said plunging her lips into his. He was taken back for a moment before he kissed her back. His hands grabbed Harley's hips and pulled her on to him. Harley pushed him so he was laying on the bed. She looked him in the eye and took her top off. She bent down and kissed him passionately. His hands wandered over her bare sides before he pushed her off.
"Harley we need to talk about this." She shook her head and sat up.
"Well I don't want to talk. Not now. Not yet." Harley put her hand on his cheek and kissed him again.
"Please." She whimpered against his lips as her other hand traveled up his thigh. He growled at her trying to fight the urge to pin her to the bed. She kissed his neck as her hand traveled further up his thigh. He pushed her to the floor.
"Harley. We need to talk about this." Jokers breathing heavy. He couldn't even look at her. Harley knew him all to well by now. She would either get a beating or he would give in. At this point Harley didn't care. She crawled up to him and put her hands on his thighs.
"You know you want to." She said slowly sliding her hands up the insides of his thighs.
"I mean it's the least you could do for me Mr J. After all I think we've both had a stressful couple of days and I know I need to relax." She slowly began undoing his trousers. Joker closed his eyes trying to concentrate.
"Harley baby. I need this just as much as you but..." he trailed off as she lifted his top and scratched down his sides.
"Come on Puddin." She said tugging at his trousers. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her up to his face. He looked her up and down before kissing her passionately.
"I'll talk to you in the morning." He stood up and did his trousers up.
"Where are you going?" Harley asked defeated. Joker threw her top at her and opened the door.
"The spare bedroom." With that he shut the door and left. Harley put her top back on and lay down.

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