Problems in paradise

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After that was math. Jacob walked me to my class and we both were smiling like weirdos. Once we said goodbye I walked into ms collie's class gave her my schedule and sat down doing the same routine tune the teacher out and doodle because again I don't need to learn I already know this.

Finally, lunchtime time to find James and tell all about my day and pretend to care about his. I know it sounds mean but once you know James it's okay. As soon as I walked in I found James. In the middle of a lot of people wow the first day of school and he already has more friends than me. Typical.

Yes, I was the princess but that's more of a reason not to have as many friends. Most of them were scared if they hurt my feelings my dad would kill them. I'm not going to lie he probably would he's very protective over me.

I never had a boyfriend other than prince snobby-pants. But I wouldn't call that a relationship I just some freaky stalker that follows you around where ever you go. It's very annoying!

"And the whole room looked at me an-"

"Hey, James," I said as I cut him off from speaking to his new friends.

"Hi Em," James said a little annoyed but my outburst. But I didn't care.

"Whatcha talking bout?" I asked out of Curiously.

"Nothing anymore"

Just as I was about to say something to tick him off a little more I was cut off by someone hugging me from behind. 

"Jacob!" I squealed. crushing him in a bear hug.

"Yea yea I missed you too," said Jacob

"What this?" James asked confused raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, Jacob this is James my cousin and James this Jacob, my boyfriend.

Boyfriend, I like the sound of that.

I watched as James's eyes widened by the word boyfriend. Hilarious

"Well, I'm going to get some food who's coming with?'' Jacob jump on this chance to leave by taking my hand and dragging me to the fries line. I felt so happy like maybe there's more hope for me to find love here than I thought.


I watched this girl stare at Jacob and sent me a deadly glare. I swear if looks could kill, I'd be six foot under right now! I didn't really know how to react to that I have been envied, hated even but never has anyone shown it. They were too scared of my dad.

I was too caught up in my own thoughts no noticing Jacob already got me fries and a Dr. Pepper.

"How did you know I love Dr. pepper?!" I asked happily.

"I just thought you would like it better than fountain water." He replied with a light shrug.

"You got that right," I said as he chuckled.

I kept noticing that strange girl kept glaring and it was starting to get kind of creepy.

"Who's that girl behind us?" I asked quietly.

Jacob quickly looked back and when he did his body tensed. His eyes held anger and annoyance.

This I knew could not be good.

Sorry for my errors,  I'm still new at this writing business.

You should maybe ...





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