It wasn't me!

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As soon as we walked into the classroom Mr. fisher said...

"Mr. Samuel (Jacob) how nice of you to join us today"

Jacob mumbles an apology while taking a seat in the back of the class.
I gave him my schedule and sat next to Jacob. While Mr. fisher talked about so charity fundraiser. Jacob and I talked all class about random topics when topics about my dad I would answer as honestly as I could without telling him everything.

Don't get me wrong I liked him. I really, really liked him, but I didn't think it would be best to tell him everything about me on the first day we met. My dad always says trust is earned not given.

While we were in a deep conversation about drunk dogs....

"EMILIA WILLIAMS PLEASE REPORT TO THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE." said a voice over the intercom. Wow a way to make me known I thought.

Jacob looked at me with a confused look. I just struggled and got up to go. I got several "oooo's" from the class but I just ignored them and walked out the class. I could only wonder what they wanted.





When I finally found the principles office I saw Jennifer kiley sitting outside the principles office. She smirked at me as I walked into the principles office.

"Mrs. Jonson you called me?" I asked

"Yes do you happens to know what happens to the "End of hunger" donations went?" She replied.

"No" I said confused.

Then it clicked that's what Mr. fisher was talking about in class. But why would that have anything to do with me?

"Ms. kiley please come in" the principle said.

Jennifer can in with a wide preppy smile on her face. "Yes Mrs. Johnson you called me"she said innocently. Two words.. teacher's pet. I knew them that whatever this was it was her doing.

"What's your side of this story?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

"Well after lunch I ran to the restroom to fix my make-up and on my way there my best friend Stephanie and I glanced at the box to see how the donations were going when we saw "that" thing" she pointed to me"taking the box like any other person we followed her and saw her putting the box in her locker. At first I was nervous to confront her so I camera to you as soon as I could." she replied.

Mrs.Johnson couldn't believe this fake could she? I mean she's a really good lair. I bet if I wasn't in the situation I would believe her.

"That's not true and you have no proof even if it was although its not why would I need money and why would want to steal form hungry people that the stupidest thing I ever heard!" I said firmly trying to hold back my anger. But what can I say I have my dad's temper I get annoyed very easily.

"Just look in her locker and prove I'm not lying and she's a thief." Jennifer said

"Go ahead I haven't been in my locker since first period it barely has my textbooks in it." I said clearly annoyed.

"Okay we'll just go to your locker then." Mrs. Johnson said.

I couldn't help but feel nervous by Jennifer's smile widening by hearing that but I would never give her the satisfaction of letting her know that.






Once we got to my locker I opens it quickly and when I looked inside I was feeling several different things....



Yikes! sorry for the mistakes!

If your reading this you rock!


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