Leaving for the sanctuary

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"Wake up sleepy head, if we're ever going to get back to the sanctuary we gotta get going." Tyler said, walking towards Felix, the tent door flapping behind him.

"Wha-" Felix grumbled, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Come on you gotta walk this time we're not carrying you." Tyler said.

Felix climbed out of his makeshift bed and looked at the guardian.

The mellow motioned him out of the tent.

Felix looked around at the clearing in the trees where the guardians had made their camp, he could still smell the smoke from the forest they had left behind.

Ethan and Mark were busily tearing down the tents around him.

Felix could see the small pile of bags they had left near an oak tree.

"Oh ok... but what about jack? He doesn't have legs." Felix thought aloud.

The cool face Tyler had been sporting briefly wavered for a second, "shit" Felix could hear him whisper under his breath.

"ETHAN WE NEED YOU!" Tyler screamed.

Felix could hear surprised squealing followed by the sound of someone dropping a tent pole, immediately followed by Mark cursing.

Tyler laughed as Ethan's startled face appeared in the doorway.

"Whatcha want?" The blue haired mellow asked.

"We need you to enchant something to let the siren walk im not carrying that fish again." Tyler said.

"What?" Felix asked, "what could you do to let him walk"

"Oh I'm an enchanter, I can..." he paused "enchant things..."

"What does that mean, what do you enchant" Felix said.

"Ummm I don't know..." the enchanter looked at the ground. "Anything really... well just objects..." "um, well I guess I could show you."

Ethan took off the drawstring bag that hung from his shoulders.

Spreading the bag out, it turned into some kind of blanket, on top of it were a few seemingly random items, most notably a wooden stick that had entricatly carved myths on it.

Felix's eyes were torn away from a carving of a deer-centaur that was sitting by a tree that seemed to stare at him when Ethan grabbed a yellow stick that was next to it.

"So I have this pencil.. that I enchanted, it finds things, I'm calling it The Pencil Of Finding"

"He's very creative with his names" Tyler laughs

"Anyways, it works like this, Pencil, find Mark."

The pencil rose from his hand, slowly it span in a circle before landing on the tent flap, right as Mark walked in carrying jack on his shoulder.

"Hey I got jack, do you want me to carry him on the way back."

"I don't need anyone to carry me I'm not a minnow! Jack spat

"Jack!" Felix yelped, running over to his friend.

"Anyways it's not that cool, but it takes a lot out of me to do it, when I made the pencil I like almost passed out, but that was like one of the first things I enchanted so if I made it again now I'd probably just get a killer head ache..." Ethan's words drowned out when he realized no one was listening.

Felix felt bad for him

"Anyways... jack do you have any jewelry? Something you'd be ok with like... wearing always." The enchanter asked.

"Oh..." jack looked down at his hand, "I have this ring, my mum gave it to me along time ago."

Jack handed Ethan the ring who nodded at him.

Ethan grabbed his wand and tapped it to the ring

"I enchant this ring to let the marine myth wearing it float in air as if swimming in water." He said, a small blue light glowing through his hands.

Ethan looked up and smiled, handing jack the ring before passing out.

Tyler, who had moved to stand behind Ethan while he was doing the enchantment, quickly caught him, slinging the smaller man over his shoulder.

"Is he ok?" Felix asked.

"Oh enchanting things like makes him pass out or something." Tyler said.

Jack looked at him and shrugged, putting the ring on his finger. Immediately, the siren stopped leaning on Mark, flapping his tail as if he was swimming.

Jack swam over to Felix who looked up to him, he couldn't believe it, jack was flying.

Jack looked down at him before taking off the ring, he immediately fell to the grass below, Felix laughed as his friend look up at him.

"Well.., it works?" Jack mumbled, putting back on the ring.

"Hey guys we gotta get going or we'll never get back home." Mark called over to them.

The two myths hummed in agreement before following the guardians.

Jelix/tythan: Sanctuary Where stories live. Discover now