Chapter 23

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Widcat pov

Dammit... Great now there's no escaping Mini's questions.

I grumble under by breath as we walk around the forest. I noticed that Mini is really keeping an eye out. Not one word was said since we spit.

Wildcat " Are we going to talk at all? "

Mini ignores my question and then transform and then goes to climb some fallen trees. I sit down and watch him try to get up higher. Once he looks to be happy with how high he is he starts to sniff the air.

Wildcat " Why are you ignoring me anyway? "

Mini jumps down and goes back to human.

Mini " I found his scent, I feel kinda dumb for not sniffing it out earlier. "

Mini starts to walk again, I sigh and lay down.

Mini " Okay. "

I hear Mini's footsteps starts to disappear.


I hear Mini come running back.

Mini " Get you ass up and help me. "
Wildcat " Argh, fine. "

Nogla pov

Lui " I'm getting tired. "
Nogla " Here, hop on my back. "

Lui tiredly climbs on my back and hang on as best as he can.

Nogla " You know your like a little kid. "
Lui " It's okay, you love me. "

I feel Lui nuzzle against the back of my neck.

Nogla " Hehe true. "
Lui " Nogla.... Why do I feel so connected to Vanoss like I know him. "
Nogla " Not sure but I do know what you mean... You know there's something not right. "
Lui " Yea. "

I hear Lui yawn and then I feel him stretch out and relax.

Nogla " Hey, you smell that? "
Lui " Hmm? "
Nogla " Smoke, I smell smoke. "

Terroriser pov

I hope Moo is okay, taking care of Cartoonz and Delirious.

Terroriser " Where the hell are you Vanoss. "

I should kick Cartoonz's ass for being an ass.

I transform and look for any sigh of Vanoss but I have a feeling he didn't go this way. I should head back to the house, I miss Moo to much. I sit down and look up at the sky.


I look around.


There above the tree line a bird flies towards the direction of the house.

Something is not right and why does that bird make a clicking sound.... Moo!

Moo pov

I stare out the window hoping they find Vanoss and Wolf Delirious soon.

Moo " I can't just sit around hoping, I need to do something. "

I go sit in my chair and turn on my computer. I quietly hum as the computer starts up.

Terroriser " Moo? "

I turn towards the door and stare for a minute.

Moo " Terroriser? "
Terroriser " Moo. "

I stand up and walk over to the door.

Don't go.

I get sudden chill up my spine and the hairs on my neck stand up. I slowly back up and go find the gun in the nightstand. I slowly load the gun and then I kneel down beside the bed.

Moo " Terroriser I'm in bed so I don't want to get up. "

I hear footsteps coming towards the door. I take a deep breath and aim as the figure comes in the door frame.


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