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Gemma: Carly.

Me: Yeah?

Gemma: You know zach?

Me: Of course! How could I forget? All you do is talk about him.

Gemma: Soooo, Basically this morning he asked me out!

Me: OML! He did?! Are you shitting me?

Gemma: NONONO! I promise you! We are going to Lunch tomorrow!

Me: Aw! I hope it goes well! Please be careful. You barely know him.

Gemma: He's a good guy! Trust me.

Me: I believe you! Just be careful!

{8 mins later}

Me: I am so discombobulated.. I lost my hair brush this morning.. I remember setting it on my dresser. But it's gone now.

Gemma: maybe you set it somewhere else? It happens.

Me: Yeah, but the same thing happened the other day... but instead of my hairbrush missing it was my black combat boots.

Gemma: weird... it's probably nothing. You'll find them!

Me: I guess...

{14 hours ago}

Gemma: He's 3 mins late. What if he doesnt show up?!

Me: He'll show up! He isn't the type to ditch!

{2 mins ago}

Gemma: I think i see his car!

Me: That's great

{10 mins later}

Gemma: Carly.. can you call me?

Me: yeah what's wrong?

Gemma: This guy is really weird and I don't trust him... Something isn't right.

Me: I'm calling now.

(You called Gemma)
(Call ended)

{5 mins later}

Me: did he believe it?

Gemma: no.. he said whatever it was it wasn't important.

Me: Gemma what the hell! Get out of there. Where are you anyways?

Gemma: at a park eating lunch.

Me: please tell me other people are there. Witnesses? This guy seems shady.

Gemma: there is an old couple.. but that's it

Me: what park? I'm coming!

Gemma: that's okay! He's not creepy at all! I misread him!

Me: oh?

Gemma: he's actually super sweet! I'll text you later. We're going to his place.. 😏

Me: I don't think that's a good idea! Gemma, he's 18 you're 16.. don't go to his house!

{18 mins later}

Me: HELLO????

Gemma: who is this?

Me: who is this?

Gemma: I'm Gemma's boyfriend. Who is this...?

Me: you're not Gemma's boyfriend! You just met!!

Gemma: Listen, don't ever text Gemma again. She doesn't like you, and she lies to you. Gemma is mine now.

Me: I'm calling the cops!

Gemma: go for it. I can see the headlines now! "16 year old girl murdered by her best friend, 17 year old Carly Welms. Stabbed to death.."

Me: That's bogus! No one will believe that! Plus there will be no evidence that I'd be there.

Gemma: oh yeah...? I wonder what will happen when the cops find your hair and boot marks with blood on the crime scene...

Me: you're crazy!!

Gemma: no honey... I'm smart.

{Gemma deleted conversation.}

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