The Slut Suicide

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Kylie101: guys, I feel sick.

Joliebug: what's making you feel sick?

VinceDoit: are you feeling sick over sunny's post on instagram.

Kylie101: yeah, sunny the slut posted a photo of her with her mom and, did I forget to add she looked like a fat cow? Ahaha ☠️🐄🐮

Joliebug: she looked like she had just rolled out of bed... then fell into a leach infested lake!

VinceDoit: she tries too hard.

Kylie101: I feel bad for those poor creatures that God made like Slutty- I mean, sunny.

BradFoo: she didn't look fat? She probably weighs 3 pounds more than you Kylie. And you weigh 130 something?

Joliebug: ooooh!! #exposed

VinceDoit: ahaha yeahhh, but Kylie is way hotter. #igotchubabe 😍❤️

Kylie101: Shut up Brad! You're only defending her bc you have a thing for her. 😩😘😘

BradFoo: hah! No, I do not have a thing for sunny.. I just don't think we should be gossiping about her all the time.

Joliebug: Vince, don't you just love sibling fights? 😇😂

VinceDoit: for sure

Kylie101: that slut is online right now...

VinceDoit: add her to the chat! Then we can tell her how "cute" she looked in that insta photo.

Joliebug: YES add her!! 😂

(Kylie101 added SunnyShine)

Kylie101: Hey slutty- I mean Sunny!

BradFoo: really Kylie? Why do you have to be such a jerk.

SunnyShine: why'd you add me to this chat...?

Joliebug: we just wanted to tell you about how Cuuute you looked in your instagram picture.

VinceDoit: id bang you.

Kylie101: I added you to tell you how I really feel about your instagram photo... 🤢🤢🤢🤢

(SunnyShine left the chat)

Kylie101: Why'd the bitch leave?

VinceDoit: I'll add her again!

BradFoo: guys stop...

(Kylie101 kicked BradFoo from the chat)

(VinceDoit added SunnyShine to the chat)

VinceDoit: Why didn't you thank us for telling you how beautiful that cow picture on your instagram was?

SunnyShine: why are you guys such assholes to me?!

Joliebug: why do you look like a farm animal?

Kylie101: you're so disgusting... you think you're cute. But you're not. You look like a half dead pig! 🐷

SunnyShine: id rather look like a pig and a cow than look anything like you.

VinceDoit: news flash! Girls like Kylie and Jolie... get guys... no guy wants to get with a cow or a pig. 🤢😂 you're pathetic.

(SunnyShine left the chat)
(Joliebug added SunnyShine to the chat)
(SunnyShine left the chat)
(Kylie101 added SunnyShine to the chat)
(SunnyShine left the chat)
(VinceDoit added SunnyShine to the chat)

Kylie101: Why don't you just kill yourself? You do nothing but make peoples eyes bleed. You're an awful excuse for a human.

Joliebug: I feel bad for you mom. She probably gave birth to you and regretted not getting an abortion.

VinceDoit: Your dad would probably be happy to see you get kidnapped.

SunnyShine: you want me to kill myself?

SunnyShine: maybe I will...

Kylie101: thank you! You'd be doing all of us a favor!

(SunnyShine left the chat)

VinceDoit: shit, she won't actually do it right?

Joliebug: nah, she can't.. hah!

Kylie101: I hope she does...

VinceDoit: dude, you wouldn't feel bad? even a little bit??

Kylie101: she's a slut... not even God wants her. She can suffer on earth and in hell for all I care.

Joliebug: can police arrest us for telling her to kill herself??

VinceDoit: nah, I'm sure they can't.. that wouldn't be smart. People say that all the time.

Kylie101: my dad knows all the best lawyers. We'd be fine. Hah! I doubt she'll even do it.

VinceDoit: well, I gotta study, I'll text you all later.

Joliebug: same. ❤️

{10 hours later}

VinceDoit: Did you guys see the news???

{6 mins ago}

Joliebug: oh my lord. I am broken.

Kylie101: yeah, the story about the koala bears dying due to cold weather is sad.

VinceDoit: Kylie.. not that.

Joliebug: Sunny killed herself last night. It's all over the news.

Kylie101: it's about time!

VinceDoit: I read about it online... we could go to jail for this. Especially if they find out we said those things to her.

Joliebug: just for the record I never told her to kill herself! You guys did!

VinceDoit: neither did I!! Kylie did!!

Kylie101: as if!! You both said really bad things and hinted around to it!

Kylie101: we can't really go to jail for this can we?!?! I'm adding Brad back in. He's smart! He can help.

(Kylie101 added BradFoo to the chat)

Joliebug: Brad... if I told someone to kill themselves and they did... could I go to jail for saying that?

BradFoo: yes.

Kylie101: I didn't do anything! It wasn't my fault. It was a prank? Right? We could say that... it was a prank! Hahaha! No? Yes!

BradFoo: what happened??

Joliebug: Kylie told sunny that she should kill herself... and she did. It's all over the news.

BradFoo: I told you guys not to bully her!! She suffers with a lot of depression. Or... used to anyways. You guys sicken me! I'm out of this.

(BradFoo left the chat)

VinceDoit: guys... I think we might be going to prison.


This story wasn't as scary as it was realistic. So many teenagers, kids, and even adults get bullied everyday. They are told to kill themselves. If you are being bullied please msg me. Please tell someone. You are not alone. And you shouldn't go through this alone.

Never bully anyone. You never know what may be going on at home. ❤️ stay strong everyone. And stay alive.

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