Writer's Note

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A lot of people have been commenting on my writings and saying that they don't get it. I understand. They are kinda confusing. BUT, I make them confusing on purpose. I don't want to give you all of the answers to the story. I want to leave you with a little something that makes you think all day about what actually happened, and what the meaning behind it is. I want you to put the pieces together and come up with your own solution (If that helps you feel better) Some stories are better left unfinished. *Insert ominous music*

I would love to hear your theories on my stories in the comments! I always love reading your comments. And if any of you have any questions about me, or my stories, feel free to comment and ask me! I will definitely answer when I can!

Anyways, I will be going on vacation tomorrow for a week. So if I don't write as much, that will be why!

Love you all!

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