Writer's note 2

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Hey guys! It's me! The person hiding behind the keyboard writing these odd stories!

First off, I have recently gotten a few suggestions to write a horror book. Instead of small short scary stories, y'all have told me you wanted a nice big one. Does that sound like something that you guys would all like? Of course I'd continue writing these, but maybe I'll write a lil somethin' on the side as well.

Also, I am so grateful for all of your guys' support! These stories have gotten bigger than I have ever expected!

Lastly, I need a little help figuring out some names for my next story.. maybe y'all can help. I always find reader's choice stories fun.

For the following please comment names for the characters.

1. Main character male name:

2. Side character 1 female name:

3. Side character 2 male name:

Alright y'all! Thank you again for all of the support and I hope to have a new story coming soon ❤️❤️ much love xx

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