Tinder Boy

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555-5715: hey Kate it's me Matt! From tinder. We met last night.
(12 hours ago)

555-5715: hey!
(7 hours ago)

555-5715: heyyy 😛
(3 hours ago)

555-5715: you accidentally left your gold necklace at the bar. But I got it if you want to get it
(10 hours ago)

555-5715: how was work?
(4 hours ago)

Me: hey Matt.. I'm sorry but I'm not interested.
(1 min ago)

555-5715: hey!! There you are. You're alive! I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink tonight?
(3 hour ago)

555-5715: drinks?
(2 mins ago)

Me: Matt, I'm not interested please stop messaging this number or I will block you.
(10 mins ago)

555-5715: oh.
(1 mins ago)

Me: thank you
(10 hour ago)

Me: oh Matt, you said you had my grandmothers necklace she gave me. Could we meet so I could pick it up?
(26 hours ago)

Me: Matt. Please don't be like that. I just want my grandmothers necklace.
(3 hours ago)

555-5715: hey sorry I think you have the wrong number.

Me: what? No, Matt stop playing games.

555-5715: honestly!
I don't know who you are. You have the wrong number.

Me: no.. you're Matt Hemingway.. we met online on tinder, annnnnd you have my grandma's necklace.

555-5715: who is this.

Me: Kate.

555-5715: you fucker. If you ever message this number again I will have someone find you and I will hurt you.

Me: what the hell are you talking about.

555-5715: you know my brother Matt Hemingway died 3 months ago.

Me: what. No. He couldn't have! We went out for drinks a few nights ago.

555-5715: fuck out of here.

Me: who was I with last night and who was texting me earlier from this number????

555-5715: I don't know!! And nobody messaged you from this number bc idek who you are crazy ass.

Me: oh my gosh.

555-5715: Hahahaha im just kidding! lol i can come over and drop it off if you want.

Me: that was a pretty fucked up joke matt.. and uh maybe we can meet somewhere in public where i can get it.

555-5715: Nooo its okay! im already out and about. send me your location.

Me: 32 **** Street in Carolville.

555-5715: Okay im 5 mins away.

Me: okay....
(4 mins ago)

555-5715: Im here!

Me: k just bring it up and then you can go.. i have company coming over.

555-5715: no come out to the car. I dont feel like getting out.

Me: Ugh, i dont know.

555-5715: Fine you wont get the necklace.

Me: fine.
(2 weeks ago)


"And you're saying those are the last texts from her to someone on her phone?" the prosecutor asked Kates sister.

"Yes." She replied.

"She went out a few nights before with an odd man.. said his name was Matt. He wouldnt stop spamming her phone with texts. and she accidentally mustve somehow lost her necklace because he came over and i never saw her again.." She explained.

The jury looked at each other and then down at Matt. "Your honor. I think we have reached our verdict."

the judge knodded.

"We, The Jury, find the defendant guilty of the kidnapping and murder of Kate Wilts."




This is perhaps the worst one i have written. In my opinion. But i wanted to give you guys something to read over the weekend, so here it is.

I also want you lovely messed up horror fanatics like me to know that i do try to read all of your comments and i do respond to direct messages! You guys are so smart and your theories are amazing! Some of you comment the most hilarious things that have me dying from laughter!

Thank you so much for the support. Love yall!

- Bridge.


Want to help me write my next story? comment in the next sections for a new fan & author written Horror Text Story.

- What should the subject of the next story be about? (Teens exploring abandon areas, Home invasion, Etc)

- How many characters should there be?

- What are some rad ass names for these characters?

- Story theme: DARK, or light?

Bonus question!

What is your favorite Horror Text Story so far? :)

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