Holly, dear. (Trigger Warning)

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Jordan: I know- I know you're no longer here with us. Your passing has been hard on all of us. I miss you so much Holly, dear... I really do. You were the worlds best girlfriend, best friend, and most of all my soulmate. I remember when we used to sit by the lake near the haunted house and watch the water twinkle under the stars, and occasionally the full moon. You were so beautiful. You never needed to wear any makeup to be beautiful, I always told you that. But you never listened and insisted that you needed it.
I remember our small stupid fights and how we'd get over it so fast and decide to make up and make out after. I loved you so much. You were my dream girl.
I also remember how we used to argue and how I would hit you. But you were such a good girlfriend and you put up with it. You always made me feel better after doing it too. You always told me it was okay and that you wouldn't tell anyone. Just like a good girlfriend would do. Even when I punched you in the face and it left a HUGE bruise on your cheek you managed to cover it up and make up an excuse. I loved you for that...

Jordan: I loved you... Until you broke up with me. I warned you and I told you not to. I TOLD YOU NO. But, no, Holly follows her own rules now... I mean, Now you can't because you're dead... but you know what i mean.
No one has ever broken up with me. Thankfully I killed you before anyone found out.
I am really enjoying the free meals and people feeling bad for me... Because I feel bad for me too. I am so sad i had to do this to you. Everyone thinks you killed yourself. It was convincing. Man, I make a good murderer... I might just have to do it again sometime. Well, Holly, Dear, I love you. Rest In Peace.

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